
Tue, Jul

A SPECTACULAR 3-D demonstration giving an artistic depiction of the birth of the World Cup highlighted the Trinidad and Tobago leg of the FIFA Coca Cola World Cup Trophy Tour yesterday morning at the Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence, Macoya.

Giving invitees the effect of being in the centre of the entire drama, the presentation left most on hand spellbound and provided them with an idea of what to look forward to when Trinidad and Tobago make their debut at the 2006 World Cup in Germany in June.

Imagine, travelling through space, planets whizzing by as mere specs of light on the horizon. All around, there is destruction and rebirth. But, while all that goes on, out of the primordial ooze, life emerges in the form of two futuristic men.

With a single purpose, they emerge, holding aloft the Earth to form the World Cup.

The scene then shifts to the Earth where the beautiful game is played amidst pulsating rhythms. You see both the beautiful game and the football greats such as Pele and Maradona. With drumming in the background, the euphoria of being at the World Cup and the spectacular goals are captured in breathtaking fashion.

The T&T leg of the FIFA Coca Cola World Cup Trophy Tour is part of a 28-nation tour which will see one of the world's most recognisable icons visiting 31 cities worldwide.

Yesterday's Tour began with a formal breakfast launch in Ken Galt Hall at the Centre of Excellence, where a presentation covering the tournament infrastructure in Germany and other World Cup issues was made.

Later on, acting President Linda Baboolal unveiled the actual trophy which the winners of the 2006 World Cup will lift in Germany on July 9.

Heavy security prevented anyone actually touching the World Cup Trophy, but many T&T nationals at least had the privilege of having their picture taken with the most recognisable sports trophy in the world.

The FIFA Coca Cola World Cup Trophy Tour continues today with the venue being open to members of the public holding special passes and school tours until 10 p.m.

Those attending will see individual posters of T&T's Soca Warriors who have qualified for their first World Cup.

They will also see the spectacular 3-D presentation, the FIFA World Cup and have a chance to participate in a game of penalty kicks and other football activities at the venue.