
Fri, Jun

Going to the World Cup with Kenwyne Jones

Can Trinidad and Tobago make it to the second round?
Well I think we definitely have a good chance. It’s down to us to go there and perform and shock them. Our chances are good as any other team.

What are your earliest World Cup memories as a youngster?
(Deep sigh) That memory is happening all now. For me personally it goes back to 2001 when we played in the Under 17 World Championship. I know Germany will be fifty times bigger but I can really remember how I felt back then. As a young boy watching the game I can remember Roger Milla, Roberto Baggio and Romario. Now to have my name being called in the same event is a great achievement I think.

Your world has obviously changed a bit over the years and particularly since we qualified. How do you manage this and all the other attention?
Fortunately I had a good amount of practice at the Under 17 Championship but the attention is much bigger now.  Being able to play at Southampton has also helped me to be able to cope with al of it.

When you got into the T&T, in many ways you were young. Over the years, you have grown with it. What has helped you settled as a professional human being?
I think first of all it was good to get into the national team even after I joined Southampton. So in a sense it was helpful to now come and join the rest of the pros. That was a big step for me. You tend to be a professional both on and off the pitch and then being with the other pros on the national team is a big boost.

What has made Kenwyne Jones who he is today. Is it the change in environment?
I don’t think so really. I think it has more to do with all the experience I have had over the last few years. Going on tours with the Under 17 and Senior Team, playing with the rest of guys on the national team and then being able to play at Southampton. It’s a bunch of reasons for making Kenwyne Jones what he is today,

What are your aspirations for the World Cup and beyond?
I want to help the team do as best as possible at the World Cup and of course I would want to do well enough to impress other clubs and take my career to the next level.

What are your top three T&T moments?
The Trinidad and Tobago win over Mexico last year, the win over Panama when I helped set up the winner and then the victory over Bahrain.

Most embarrassing moment as a player?
I have none and hopefully I will be able to keep it that way!

How do you think you have changed as a player since joining the national team?
Over the two years I have matured a lot. When I first started out at first, it was rough but it made me better all round. Even now with some of the players who have joined the team, I think I am older than them in terms of experience and knowing that I can help out goes a long way in my maturity level. I want  to be someone who people can want to emulate.
What’s your favourite kind of music?
Soca, Reggae and some hip hop.

What was the last film or DVD you looked at?
Madea Family Reunion. (Laughing) It’s the best comedy you will ever see.  

What is a normal day for you in this day and age?
Get off the bed early in the morning, pray with my family and then have a good breakfast. Then I head off to training which starts at 10:30 and then maybe do a few extra things on the training ground depending on how things go. Then it’s back home, watch some tv and rest up. Preparing for a match on the weekend for me starts from the Monday after the previous match.

Do you and if yes, how do you keep in touch with you roots?
I always do.I don’t think I can ever give that up. Knowing where you come from helps you to stay on the ground as a person. I always try to stay in touch with my friends, even those away at College, my other friends and even the teachers.

Any predictions for the games?
I don’t want to predict anything because at the end of the day anything can happen in football. But I want us to gain as much points possible to get to the next round.

What’s the feeling inside of you now that the World Cup is getting closer and closer?
To be fair, it still hasn’t settled in. I know the World Cup is coming up but I am still trying to get it all soaked in. This whole thing will really hit me in a couple weeks maybe.  When that happens God knows what will take place (laughing).