
Mon, Jul

Since everyone, Alvin Corneal, Lincoln "Tiger" Phillips and others in football have been brought together to offer suggestions to build the T&T national football team, I have also decided to offer my suggestions that hopefully could assist in building a better T&T national soccer team:
(1) GO LOCAL-A locally-based team will have more time to train in the next three months and therefore a better chance at building some playing chemistry. Just look at St Vincent & the Grenadines. Is an Anthony Rougier, who has come straight off the plane from China, any better as a defensive midfielder than say Travis Mulraine ? Is Brent Rahim any better than Otis Seaton-if he controls his temper and decides to play football? Or as a matter of fact is Silvio Spann. There are also cases for Nigel Daniel, Ian Gray and other guys being around the team. The pros who should return are those that are essential. Probably goal-keepers Clayton Ince and Shaka Hislop; Marvin "Dog" Andrews and Sancho; Stern John, Errol McFarlane and Cornell Glen. And it's not necessary to use them all just because they have returned.

(2) NEW SYSTEM-Think of changing the system from a 3-5-2 to straight 4-4-2 which is less aggressive, but more stable. These days, Trinidad and Tobago do not have defenders of the calibre of a Clayton Morris, Dexter Francis, Brian Williams or a Marvin Faustin. To play three at the back against a team like Mexico is suicidal.

(3) WORK ON THE MIDFIELD-When you don't have a midfield general of the calibre of a Russell "The Magician" Latapy or a good passer like David Nakhid, you at least need four guys who can play the ball well among themselves.

(4) SET PLAYS-Angus Eve won't always bend a ball around the wall. Dead ball situations are usually lost ball situations with T&T. Try a few variations, play the ball wide, bring it low between the defenders and the 'keeper. Do something! St Augustine Senior Comprehensive do it. Why can't the Soca Warriors?

(5) WARM-UP GAMES-In the next three months play many warm-up games. Jamaica have no money compared to T&T, but they play friendlies against top teams like Brazil, England etc. Meanwhile, T&T play a team of Brazilian old men from the 1990s. We need real opposition, who probably will beat us, but will help improve us too. Start with Jamaica, Venezuela and then move to those South American teams still in the World Cup fray and want a warm-up. Stop joking around with teams like Grenada and St Lucia. They cannot help us!

(6) PLAYER MANAGEMENT-Players must be played in position where they are comfortable and must also have basic assigned roles. Marvin Andrews is a central defender, he can win the ball and cannot play on the flank. Also, he can't pass the ball well, so he must be instructed to win the ball and get it as quickly to the midfielders. Let them fulfill their roles. Brent Sanhco is not a midfielder. Also Brent Rahim is a central attacking midfielder, who cannot defend to save his life. Using him in a wide position is putting the team in defensive jeopardy anytime he tackles in the penalty area.

PLAYER ANALYSIS-Use their strengths. Work on their weaknesses.

Shaka Hislop - Still the best we have.

Clayton Ince - Solid.

Daurance Williams - Not as good as he looked when making his debut last year. Needs a spell on the Jabloteh bench.

Brent Sancho - Plays better from the back. High work rate.

Marvin Andrews - A central midfielder and ball winner. Cannot play on the flank and a poor passer of the ball.

Dennis Lawrence - Is he still good enough to be kept around? Tough question.

Derek King - Didn't look very good for Joe Public last year.

Anthony Rougier - Committed, with a first rate attitude, but a little past his peak.

Brent Rahim - Central attacking midfielder who cannot defend to save his life. Using him in a wide position is putting the team in defensive jeopardy.

Angus Eve (captain) - Past his best, but still useful, especially with a dead ball.

Kenwyne Jones - Lackadaisical to the point of looking plain lazy.

Denzil Theobald - Some promise. Needs to work on using both feet.

Scott Sealy - Looks hungry and committed everytime he steps on to the pitch.

Errol McFarlane - A good striker. Will play a good role in the campaign.

Hector Sam - Made best possible debut. He scored.

Jerren Nixon - Needs to get fit. A shadow of the form he shows when playing for his club.

Avery John - Crucial mistake on his debut, but has a role.

Silvio Spann - A talented player, but thinks he's 10 times better than he really is. Needs to learn to make a simple pass.

Ian Cox - Solid enough to make a contribution.

Cornell Glen - Most elusive of the strikers, but still green at international level.

Marlon Rojas - Solid on the left side of defence, but not very creative going forward.

Derek Phillip - Looked good before he got injured.

Andre Boucard - Only one who regularly makes square and diagonal passes in the midfield. Looks an organiser, similar to David Nakhid. Should be an asset.