
Thu, Jul

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation wishes to express its sincerest appreciation to Sports Minister Gary Hunt for today’s gesture. At brief press conference at the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs, Minister Hunt presented the Federation with a cheque made out in the sum of $ 6,535,500.00.
This represents a reimbursement for the salaries paid by the TTFF to members of the technical staff assigned to the Football Federation. TTFF Special Advisor Jack Warner told the media the gesture represents a new era in the relationship between the Sports Ministry and the TTFF.

While Warner is optimistic about the latest turn of events, he wishes to remind the Minster that there are still outstanding issues which need to be resolved as the Federation embarks on its 2010 World Cup campaign.

“We are very appreciative of this gesture, the monies represent outstanding payments owed to the TTFF, Mister Minister while we are grateful that your Ministry is now paying the salaries of the technical staff there are many outstanding issues which need to be addressed.

The sums owed for developmental activities for the period 2007-2008 remain outstanding. I trust you understand that the programme utilized to prepare our players consists of various elements. I hope that we can meet very soon to resolve the issue.”

Warner once again expressed his gratitude to the Ministry and sees the initiative as a positive step.  “As we continue to ride the waves of these uncertain economic times, it is sport which can provide the population with a sense of hope in the midst of hopelessness.

Mister Minister I know that you understand the importance of our 2010 World Cup campaign and we at the TTFF look forward to your support. Let us understand and ensure that the dreams of our young people are materialized.”  Warner also provided the media with a brief update on the activates of all of the national teams.

“At present several of our teams are training abroad. The TTFF is confident that as we embark on the 2010 campaign, the population will see the benefits of all that has been invested. This year the selectors will have a tough time trust me.”  TTFF President Oliver Camps also spoke at today’s press conference and commended the Ministry on the latest initiative.