
Thu, Jul

A number of top corporate leaders attended a business luncheon held to solicit support for this country’s 2006 World Cup effort at the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce on Tuesday morning.

The occasion was hosted by former Chamber President David O’Brien and some 47 corporate leaders listened attentively to three guest speakers which included FIFA Vice President Jack Warner and Burton Haimes, an executive member of the United States Soccer Federation. Among those attending were top local businessmen Andrew Sabga, Arthur Lok Jack, Christian Mouttet, DavidDulal-Whiteway, Gregory Aboud, Ken Gordon, Martin Daly and Neil Poon-Tip among other foremost individuals.

O’Brien, who approached the TTFF on the idea of having the luncheon, also spoke, outlining his memories of November 19 1989, mentioning how the nation had come together behind the team in the last few months of that year. He said that he recognized the potential for the country to qualify for Germany 2006, but emphasized that the footballers could not do it alone. He called on the whole country to demonstrate their support for the effort required. While direct financial support was important, "all-round " support was also required. He said that the potential for qualification should make every citizen proud and ready to give support. He called on supporters to come out on Ash Wednesday-not in Red- but in Black--and to give the United States Team constant pressure while loudly cheering on the “Soca Warriors”.

Haimes, invited by Warner, thanked the audience for allowing him the opportunity to address them. He spoke on f the fact that T&T must take full advantage of playing the Americans at home, mentioning that the only time the US had defeated Mexico was in freezing conditions in Columbus, Ohio. As such he understood the reason behind carding the game for the Queen’s Park Oval and he said it was vitally important that the fans play their role in ensuring that the “Soca Warriors” were indeed playing in home territory.

Haimes added that sport, and particularly Football, were major businesses. He congratulated Trinidad and Tobago on having Warner as a Vice President of FIFA. Haimes also spoke of the value to the sponsors, quoting figures of increased sales experienced by companies that had invested in United States Soccer.

Warner was the last man to speak, in his capacity as special adviser to the TTFF, and said that he was aware that he was sometimes perceived as being against the corporate sector but added and that this has never been his intention. He was hoping for the whole of Trinidad and Tobago to join the “Journey to Germany” and wanted the business sector and the Government to be major partners in this.

"The flag of Trinidad and Tobago will never fly victoriously on the field of battle" he said, "But it can and will fly proudly on the fields of sport….especially Football" He urged the businessmen present to make sure that they were “On Board" when the T&T flag flies in Germany.

In response to a question from DOMA President Gregory Aboud, Warner said that he and the TTFF have been trying to build bridges to the Government, because qualifying for Germany was something for the whole nation to be involved in. He lamented the difficulty being experienced in trying to get a passport for the Brazilian-born midfielder Jose Luis Seabra. “We will continue to persist in our efforts to ensure that this country is best represented and is able to give its all in getting to Germany.”

Meantime, this country will play its next international match against St Vincent and the Grenadines at the Queen’s Park Oval on January 9.

The Oval was confirmed on the weekend as the venue for the third round Digicel Caribbean Cup encounter and the “Soca Warriors” will use the ground for training as often as possible between now and the February 9 2006 World Cup final round clash with the United States.

Following the match against St Vincent, the team will then travel to Antigua for a four-day training camp at the Antigua Recreation Ground before departing for St Vincent for the return leg on January 16. While in Antigua, coach Bertille St Clair and his team will be met by technical consultant Graham Taylor on January 13 during which time he will begin working with the team leading up to the USA match.