
Tue, Jun


KelvinFormer Trinidad and Tobago national goalkeeper Kelvin Jack gets up-close and personal in his latest exclusive interview with the Soca Warriors Online (SWO).

1. Kelvin, you've just signed a non-contract deal with Southend United and got injured shortly after, what really happened, is it a recurring injury ?

It is a result of having not played a lot of over the past 20 months. It is not recurring. My hamstring is fine.  It was healed after 10 days. I recently signed with Darlington. I need to get a playing rhythm. The football market is extremely tough right now especially for someone like me who hasn’t played a lot of games recently. Darlington have a very good infrastructure and they are ambitious. The manager, Simon Davey, who I knew from Barnsley, is the manager and he really sold the club to me. I am 34 and I feel sharp – I am convinced I could do good things.

2. I heard a rumor that you were on the verge of publishing a book. Can we get a preview of it ?

I am not on the verge of publishing a book just yet, but I intend to in the future.

3. What really caused "FPATT" to collapse? Did it affect your relationship with Shaka Hislop among others.

First of all, Shaka and I have a good relationship and we want the same thing for Trinidad and Tobago football. Secondly, FPATT has not collapsed. The issue that is preventing FPATT from being a success is the negativity we have received from the TTFF and Jack Warner concerning a players' union. Locally based players are intimidated by the threat of being in the international wilderness by the TTFF and Jack Warner if they sign up to a players' union. This obstacle is not insurmountable though.

4. Were you disappointed that not all of your 2006 World Cup teammates stood up with you and the 16-blacklisted players in court? Give us a run down on how it all happened?

Of course I am disappointed they did not stood up with us, especially since there were certain players who would criticize the TTFF at every opportunity. They know themselves.

To put this into perspective, let's say the England squad were in our position, do you think the players would have been divided like this? I guarantee you the answer is a resounding "no". One thing would have been certain, the likes of John Terry, Gary Neville, Wayne Rooney etc would have never, as senior players, betrayed their team mates like that. Players over here in the UK are stunned all our players did not stick together.

All the players were in support of taking the action that we took to have our bonus dispute rectified, with the exception of maybe two players or three players. In my opinion, a lot of the players, defected because of their own agendas. To me, that is a betrayal of not only your team mates, but also the young players who would possibly have to deal with a situation similar to ours. I always ask God to spare the young kids coming up that they will not have to deal with the issues we have been faced with.

5. It has been four years and the court case versus the T&T Football Federation (TTFF) over World Cup bonuses is still active. Do you have any latest news on this. Do you feel someone is deliberately stalling the case progress. Is there a discrepancy with the name (I.E: TTFA, T&TFF, TTFF) that is causing the stall. Can you give us an update?

In 2008 we won an arbitration hearing against Jack Warner and the TTFF. As part of the arbitration agreement, both sides agreed to confidentiality regarding the result. Nothing was supposed to be said to the press or anyone outside of the arbitration process until Mr Ian Mill QC, the judge presiding in the arbitration case, officially released the verdict in writing. At this point, both sides knew the verdict but it was not officially released.

All of a sudden however, there is a big story in the Trinidad Guardian about the arbitration verdict. This was not the doing of any of the players or our legal team. This though has been the TTFF's argument as to why they should not adhere to the arbitrator's ruling. However, even if confidentiality is breached, according to our legal team, the law states this is no reason for a judgement to be set aside.

Mr Mills’ verdict was clear; the players are owed 50% of all commercial revenue generated during the 2006 World Cup Campaign and the 2006 World Cup and the TTFF is to open its books for inspection. If you have nothing to hide, would you not just open your books? The TTFF have just been trying to drag this out.

They decided that because of this supposed breach in confidentiality, the matter needed to be brought before the Trinidad and Tobago court. Mind you, when we actually decided we were going to take them to court, it was they who made the request to have the dispute heard via the Arbitration Process, which we agreed to.

Fast forward to October 2009, the matter is in the Trinidad and Tobago Courts and our legal team was told at the time, that we would have a ruling within a 6-week period. We are in May 2010, 42 weeks (7 months) later.

I cannot explain the reason for such a delay and none has been forthcoming via the Court. Our lawyer however, has made an official complaint to the Chief Justice as to why a very simple matter has been delayed for such a length of time.

Kelvin Jack6. It was reported in the past that some of the 16-blacklisted players accepted payments from the TTFF and have dropped out of the court battle. Is this true?
There are 13 players who are still waiting for this to be sorted out. The three players who eventually took Jack Warner desperate settlement offer (considering what we are actually owed) were in some extremely difficult situations. Although I am disappointed they broke ranks I respect them for being brave against Jack Warner and the TTFF. the others... I have no time for. There are a couple I cannot wait to see personally... those who were the most vocal against the TTFF.

7. There is also a strong rumor that Stern John alone foot the bill for your lawyer and other court matters.
Totally False.

8. If you and your teammates won the case against the TTFF, do you plan on doing any community work in T&T.
Without a doubt. That has always been on our agenda.

9. What really happened in Germany 06? For example, Latapy was not considered for two games because many said he had a personal problem with the coach. Then at half time during the Sweden match you guys were promised by Jack Warner half of the TTFF earning, some say you guys are greedy and should not expect millions for representing your country as it also sends a bad example for the younger ones coming up, ... etc. What are your thoughts on this?

I have absolutely no idea what type of relationship Russell Latapy had with Mr Beenhakker. We were not promised anything at halftime during the Sweden match. We agreed our contract months before. Jack Warner did increase the percentage of our original contract from 30% to 50% two days before the England game.

Come on... How are we greedy? You tell me how a man can clothe his family and himself, pay his mortgage, educate his kids or put petrol in his car without money? We have a contract... an agreement for services rendered. What will you tell your boss if he reneged on your contract with him?

Come on guys... who is greedy here? Where is Mr Warner’s accounts? What this situation has probably done is lower the confidence of young people regarding the sincerity and honesty of  the TTFF. I know my son will be proud of his father when he is old enough to understand. That’s important.

10. Where did it all go wrong for T&T after such a great achievement in Germany, as it seems we have dugged ourselves in a very deep hole?
The blacklist. I am convinced we would have qualified for the 2010 World Cup. We were just maturing as a squad, and we were still hungry. By the time the blacklist was “supposedly” lifted the damage was already done.

11. Do you feel Latapy is the right man for the job as T&T coach? As you can see we have not played a single game in 6-months. Do you feel something isn't right?
I have no idea what type of coach Russell is, but I guess you have to start somewhere. Personally I would have brought in an experienced international manager who isn’t afraid to make decisions.

Maybe Russell could have worked alongside this person. Of course something isn’t right. We are terribly disorganised.. it’s a joke. I will not go into details, if I do, my response will not fit on this page.

12. As you can see both Brent Sancho and Kevin Jeffrey are doing a very good job at North East Stars. If given the opportunity to sign a short term contract with them, will you consider.
I am really pleased for them both. They are good football people; the type of persons needed in Trinidad and Tobago football. I will not consider it at this stage... but never say never.