
Sun, Jul


The Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation through its Technical Adviser Keith Look Loy has finalized an agreement with the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB) which will see some of this country's coaches being certified according to Dutch and UEFA(European Football Union) standards.

At least five local coaches are earmarked to receive training by the  Royal Dutch Football Association(KNVB), as instructors to deliver the Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation's New “C “ license Course. The local Instructors include Jamaal Shabazz, Anton Corneal and Muhammed Isa . all three men are will work under the guidance of Dutch Instructors Kees Zwamborn  and Arno Pijpers in delivering the TTFF's new “C” License Course.

The first course will take place from January 10-15 next year at the CONCACAF Centre of Excellence and the content will cover Age-appropriate training, planning, technical training and skill development, ethical and professional issues and health and emergency care issues.

The Course is open to members of the public and the football fraternity and registration fee TT$400. Interested persons should submit an application and resume to the General Secretary of the TTFF, 43 Dundonald Street, Port of Spain no later than December 29th this year.