
Sun, Jun


Jack Warner listens to Oliver Camps.The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation acknowledges the judgment delivered by Justice Devindra Rampersad against it in the sum of US $ 1,140,384.

President of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Oliver Camps further stated today the local governing body will honor this judgment and will do so by borrowing the necessary funds.

“While I have not seen the official judgment or had time to discuss it with my Executive Committee or our Attorneys at Law, in an effort to bring closure to this matter, I am of the view that the TTFF will honor this judgment in spite of the fact that we will have to borrow the money to do so,” Camps stated.

The longstanding President mentioned the fact that the financially strapped TTFF has benefited from the generosity of Mr. Jack Warner and his assistance will be sought after

“What we must all be cognizant of is the fact that at present the TTFF does not have that kind of money as over the years we have been depending almost solely on our benefactor Mr. Jack Warner to take care of the financial needs of the Federation,” Camps said.

“Apart from whatever help we receive from the government from time to time, Mr. Warner has been funding all our eight National Teams single handedly.  I will discuss with him whether or not he is mindful to assist us in this matter or whether as a Federation we will be forced to file for bankruptcy.

“I will therefore await advice from Mr. Warner after my discussions with him,” Camps concluded.