
Fri, Feb


A sol­id per­for­mance from Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary saw them re­main in charge of the To­ba­go zone in the Girls Cham­pi­onships Di­vi­sion of the Shell/First Cit­i­zen Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League, top­ping Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary, 2-0 at home.

Ashante Camp­bell and De­r­isha Bris­tol were on tar­get for Sig­nal Hill, who com­plet­ed its third straight win from as many match­es while Scar­bor­ough suf­fered its first loss of the sea­son.

To­day, the Sig­nal Hill will be back on the field at the Ply­mouth recre­ation ground go­ing at its fourth vic­to­ry against Ma­son Hall High from 3.45 pm.

At Mt Pleas­ant recre­ation ground on Sun­day evening, Bish­op High got its sec­ond win in three rounds of match­es, con­vinc­ing­ly de­feat­ing Good­wood, 12-1.

Aaliyah Charles was in great scor­ing form, net­ting sev­en in the lop­sided af­fair. Dar­i­anne Hen­ry joined in with three goals while Di­ne­sha Man­ning and Nis­hone Rus­sel scored one each for the win­ner.

Darel­cia Nel­son pro­duced the lone item for Good­wood, who sank to its fourth-con­sec­u­tive loss, to stay at the bot­tom of the eight-team ta­ble.

Bish­op will take on Scar­bor­ough this evening at Black Rock recre­ation ground while Good­wood meets Pen­te­costal Light and Life at Sig­nal Hill recre­ation ground. Both match­es will al­so kick off at 3.45 pm.

Pen­te­costal will be seek­ing to bounce back from its 2-0 loss to host Spey­side High on the week­end. Sec­ond place Spey­side High, kept up its run at the zon­al ti­tle, thanks to goals from Di­a­mond Kent and Crys­tal Toney.

In North zone ac­tion, leader Tran­quil­i­ty, sec­ond-placed Holy Name Con­vent and fourth-placed Suc­cess Laven­tille got wins on the evening.

Tran­quil­li­ty stayed un­beat­en with a 2-0 win over Bish­op Anstey, Holy Name topped St Joseph's Con­vent, Port-of-Spain, 5-2 and Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral went un­der to Suc­cess Laven­tille, 5-3.

In the East, on­ly two match­es were played. New­com­er Five Rivers Sec­ondary, the leader of the zone, took full ad­van­tage of play­ing at home, pulling off a stun­ning 10-0 vic­to­ry over San Juan North while Va­len­cia de­feat­ed El Do­ra­do East, 5-0. The match-up be­tween St Au­gus­tine and Bish­op Anstey East did not play.

No match­es were played in the South and Cen­tral zones al­so.