
Sat, Feb


Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary eased to an­oth­er win in the To­ba­go Zone of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League's Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion on Sun­day, to re­main six points ahead in the race for the ti­tle.

Led again in scor­ing by Ce­line Lo­raine with a pair of goals, Sig­nal Hill de­feat­ed vis­i­tor Pen­te­costal Light & Life, 5-0 at its grounds.

Adding to the lop­sided vic­to­ry, were Je­lese Alexan­der, De­r­isha Bris­tol and​ Ashante Camp­bell, who each net­ted one goal.

One of Sig­nal Hill's clos­est chal­lengers for top ho­n­ours, Spey­side High, al­so came away vic­to­ri­ous that evening beat­ing Ma­son Hall, 3-1 to sit in the third spot with five wins and two loss­es for a tal­ly of 15 points, the same as Bish­op High.

Bish­op, which was on a bye that af­ter­noon, is in sec­ond place from six match­es from five wins and a loss.

Fourth-place Scar­bor­ough al­so had suc­cess with a 2-0 vic­to­ry over Good­wood.

On­ly two oth­er zones had ac­tion in­clud­ing East and North as there were no match­es played in South and Cen­tral.

In the East, un­beat­en Bish­op Anstey moved in­to the top spot with a 4-1 win over El Do­ra­do East while sec­ond-place Five Rivers con­tin­ued its dream run in its de­but sea­son in the top di­vi­sion, eas­i­ly top­ping Va­len­cia, 6-1. Both win­ners are on 16 points.

Else­where, San Juan North edged St Au­gus­tine, 1-0.

In the North, Bish­op Anstey Port-of-Spain sealed a 2-0 vic­to­ry over Holy Name Con­vent while in the oth­er match­es, leader Tran­quil­i­ty and fifth-place Suc­cess Laven­tille got wins af­ter their re­spec­tive op­po­nents Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral and St Joseph Con­vent, for­feit­ed.

Sun­day's Re­sults

To­ba­go Zone

Pen­te­costal Light & Life 0 vs Sig­nal Hill 5 (​Ce­line Lo­raine [2], Je­lese Alexan­der, De­r­isha Bris­tol, ​Ashante Camp­bell)

Scar­bor­ough 2 (Jay­da Mo­hammed, Akeisha James) vs Good­wood 0

​Ma­son Hall High School​ 1 ​vs Spey­side High 3 (​Di­a­mond Kent [2], Tavis Skeete)

North Zone

​Tran­quil­i­ty ​3​ vs D/Mar­tin Cen­tral​​ 0 (By de­fault)

​Suc­cess Laven­tille​​ 0​ vs St Joseph Con­vent, POS​ 3 (By de­fault)

​Bish­op’s Anstey, POS​​ 2​ vs Holy Name Con­vent​​ 0

East Zone

​St. Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary​ 0​ vs San Juan North​​ 1

​Bish­op’s Anstey East​​ 4​ vs El Do­ra­do East​​ 1​

Five Rivers Sec­ondary ​6​ vs Va­len­cia Sec­ondary​​ 1