
Sat, Feb


Tyrese Coop­er scored the win­ner for Spey­side High School to keep them in the race for the To­ba­go Zone ti­tle in the Girls Cham­pi­onships of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

Spey­side eked out a nar­row win against Pen­te­costal Light and Life on Thurs­day at the Sig­nal Hill recre­ation ground, thanks to Coop­er, who helped her team hold on to the sec­ond spot with 24 points from 10 match­es, from eight wins and two loss­es in the two-team race for the top po­si­tion. The cham­pi­on team will ad­vance to the Big Five com­pe­ti­tion.

Lead­ing the zone is the un­beat­en Sig­nal Hill team with 27 points from nine match­es. The leader claimed an­oth­er huge win that af­ter­noon over Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary, 7-0.

Ce­line Lo­raine again was on the score­sheet for Sig­nal Hill with a pair of goals so too De­r­isha Bris­tol (2) while their team­mate Sh­er­nelle Os­bourne, Avonelle Lo­raine and Twin­kle Thomas scored one each.

In the oth­er match, host Good­wood bat­tled to a 3-3 draw with Bish­op's High at Good­wood recre­ation ground.

In a resched­uled match played in the North Zone, vis­it­ing team Holy Name Con­vent de­feat­ed Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral, 6-3 but the re­sult had no bear­ing on the top po­si­tion as Bish­op Anstey, Port-of-Spain has al­ready booked its place in the Big Five com­pe­ti­tion, fol­low­ing the pre­vi­ous rounds of match­es.

The North win­ner will meet Cen­tral cham­pi­on Cara­pichaima East in the quar­ter-fi­nals. The win­ner will progress to play South win­ner Pleas­antville Sec­ondary in the semi­fi­nal round while the cham­pi­on teams from the East and To­ba­go zones will meet in the oth­er semi­fi­nal. The semi­fi­nal­ists will be fi­nalised this week af­ter the zones' fi­nal round of match­es.