
Fri, Feb


Tran­quil­i­ty Gov­ern­ment Sec­ondary School’s cap­tain Fali­cia King cel­e­brated with her team-mates the 2018 North Zone In­ter­Col ti­tle fol­low­ing the school's 2-1 vic­to­ry over Holy Name Con­vent in the Sec­ondary School Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Girls fi­nal at St. Joseph Con­vent Grounds, Fed­er­a­tion Park, St Clair yes­ter­day.

King gave Tran­quil­i­ty the lead but be­fore the half-time whis­tle was sound­ed, Kai-Marie Simp­son lev­elled the scores 1-1. How­ev­er, King made sure that Tran­quil­i­ty lifts the ti­tle with her sec­ond goal of the match.