
Fri, Jan

Pleasantville Secondary’s Alexcia Ali, second from right, has her shot saved point blank from Signal Hill's goalkeeper Aaliyah Alvarez, during the Girl's National Big 5 Finals at Plymoth Recreational Ground, Tobago. On Sunday, Ali scored nine goals in Pleasantville’s 15-0 over Fyzabad Anglican in the Girls Championships' South Zone competition in the Shell/First Citizens Secondary Schools Football League.

Alex­cia Ali of Pleas­antville Sec­ondary ripped apart Fyz­abad An­gli­can de­fence to score an im­pres­sive nine goals to con­tin­ue her team's per­fect high-scor­ing run in the Girls Cham­pi­onships' South Zone com­pe­ti­tion in the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

On Sun­day, Pleas­antville took full ad­van­tage play­ing at home, pound­ing Fyz­abad An­gli­can, 15-0, to re­main un­beat­en at top of the stand­ings with nine points af­ter three round of match­es and is yet to con­cede a goal.

Join­ing Ali on the score­sheet was Lat­ifha Pas­call net­ting a bril­liant four goals for the win­ner, who al­so had Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call find­ing the back of the net. The oth­er goal came off an own goal scored by Nao­mi Phill of Fyz­abad An­gli­can, who de­spite los­ing its sec­ond match re­mains in sec­ond place with six points, the same as Fyz­abad Sec­ondary but is ahead on goal-dif­fer­ence, plus-23 to its neigh­bour plus-10.

Fyz­abad Sec­ondary was on the win­ning end on Sun­day af­ter­noon's round of match­es, eas­i­ly de­feat­ing Point Fortin East, 11-0. Des­tiny Ed­wards slot­ted five in the lop­sided match-up and Ja­da Shep­herd put in a pair of goals. Their team­mates Shaqua­na Quam­i­na, Ma­li­na Fah­ri­na, Esi Fe­lix and Sha­nia Bap­tiste each net­ted one in the win.

The oth­er match sched­uled on the day be­tween St Joseph Con­vent and Moru­ga but the for­mer has with­drawn from the com­pe­ti­tion. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, two oth­er schools al­so with­drew from this year's com­pe­ti­tion in­clud­ing AS­JA Girls Char­lieville in Cen­tral Zone and Pen­te­costal Light and Life Foun­da­tion (PLLF) High in To­ba­go.

Up North, all three match­es un­fold­ed at var­i­ous venues in the Port-of-Spain area with the top three teams get­ting suc­cess.

Char­l­ize Hood and Analeisse Arneaud each scored three goals to en­sure that Holy Name Con­vent Port-of-Spain flaw­less start stay in­tact, beat­ing Suc­cess Laven­tille, 10-0 at Nel­son Man­dela Park in St Clair. The win moved them to 12 points from four match­es.

Char­lotte Hadeed al­so sank three goals for sec­ond-placed St Joseph Con­vent to top­ple bot­tom-of-the ta­ble Tran­quil­i­ty, 4-0 at Dibe ground while host Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral (fourth) went un­der to third-placed Bish­op Anstey High, 3-0 win.

Over in To­ba­go, Spey­side came with­in three points of leader Sig­nal Hill, who was on a bye, top­ping host Good­wood, 3-1. Scor­ing for the win­ner, who is in the sec­ond spot on the stand­ings, were Makay­la McKen­zie, Talia Mar­tin and Tavia Skeete.

At Black Rock recre­ation ground, Scar­bor­ough was held by Ma­son Hall, 1-1.

Sun­day's Re­sults


Pleas­antville 15 (Alex­cia Ali 9, Lat­ifha Pas­call 4, Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call, own goal (Nao­mi Phill) vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can 0

Fyz­abad 11 (Des­tiny Ed­wards 5, Ja­da Shep­herd 2, Shaqua­na Quam­i­na, Ma­li­na Fah­ri­na, Esi Fe­lix, Sha­nia Bap­tiste) vs Point Fortin East 0


Holy Name 10 (Char­l­ize Hood 3, Analeisse Arneaud 3, Brit­tan­ny Ma­habir, Ha­vana Ramdeen 2, Eva Nicholas) vs Suc­cess Laven­tille 0

Tran­quil­i­ty 0 vs St Joseph Con­vent 4 (Char­lotte Hadeed 3, Shami­ka Thomas)

Bish­op Anstey 3 (J Kennedy 2, B Pan­teau) vs Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral 0


Scar­bor­ough 1 (De Shanel Al­leyne) vs Ma­son Hall 1 (Ja­da Gra­ham). MVPs: Nia Davis, Kaleah Duke (Scar­bor­ough); Ja­da Gra­ham, Seren­i­ty Charles (Ma­son Hall)

Good­wood 1 (Caris­sa Cow­an) vs Spey­side 3 (Makay­la McKen­zie, Talia Mar­tin, Tavia Skeete). MVPs: Caris­sa Cow­an, Di­a­mond Arthur (Good­wood ); Talia Mar­tin, Jan­i­ca De­noon (Spey­side)


El Do­ra­do East 11 vs Bish­op East 2.

Five Rivers 1 vs Man­zanil­la 0

San Juan North 2 vs Va­len­cia 0


Cara­pichaima East 3 vs Mir­a­cle Min­istries 3

Holy Faith Con­vent, Cou­va 12 vs Ch­agua­nas South 0



2*Fyz­abad An­gli­can*4*2*2*0*41*18*+23*6
4*Point Fortin East*3*1*2*0*3*22*-19*3


2*Mir­a­cle Min­istries*3*3*0*0*17*3*+14*9
3*Holy Faith, Cou­va*3*2*1*0*18*6*+12*6
4*Ch­agua­nas North*3*0*3*0*3*23*-20*05
5*Ch­agua­nas South*3*0*3*0*1*37*-36*0


1*El Do­ra­do East*3*3*0*0*16*4*+12*9
2*Five Rivers*3*3*0*0*11*2*+9*9
3*San Juan*North*4*2*1*1*7*7*0*7
5*Bish­op East*4*1*3*0*6*20*-14*3


1*Holy Name POS*4*4*0*0*29*4*+25*12
2*St*Joseph POS*4*3*1*0*15*9*+6*9
3*Bish­op Anstey POS*3*2*1*0*11*7*+4*6
4*Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral*3*1*2*0*6*7*-1*3
5*Suc­cess Laven­tille*4*0*4*0*0*27*-27*0


1*Sig­nal Hill* 4*4*0*0*47*0*+47*12
2*Spey­side High*4*3*1*0*10*10*0*9
3*Bish­op’s High*3*2*1*0*12*6*+6*6
5*Ma­son Hall*5*1*3*1*4*25*-21*4
Thurs­day's match­es (Start at 3 pm


Tran­quil­i­ty vs Bish­op Anstey, Dibe ground

Suc­cess Laven­tille vs Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral, Diego Mar­tin ground

Holy Name vs St Joseph, Nel­son Man­dela Park, St Clair


Moru­ga vs Pleas­antville, Moru­ga

Point Fortin East vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can, Ma­haica Oval

Fyz­abad -bye


Scar­bor­ough vs Bish­op's High, Black Rock recre­ation ground

Good­wood vs Ma­son Hall, Good­wood recre­ation ground

Spey­side High - bye


Va­len­cia vs El Do­ra­do East, Va­len­cia

Five Rivers vs Bish­op East, Prime Min­is­ter ground

San Juan North vs Man­zanil­la, San Juan


Cara­pichaima East vs Holy Faith Con­vent

Ch­agua­nas North vs Mir­a­cle Min­istries

Ch­agua­nas South - bye