
Fri, Jan

Prolific Ali drops 11 on Moruga.

An­oth­er scin­til­lat­ing scor­ing per­for­mance from Alex­cia Ali saw Pleas­antville Sec­ondary sealed a mon­strous 34-0 vic­to­ry over Moru­ga Sec­ondary in the Girls Cham­pi­onships' South Zone com­pe­ti­tion in the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League on Thurs­day af­ter­noon.

Play­ing in Moru­ga, Ali pound­ed an im­pres­sive 11 goals past the host team in Pleas­antville's fifth straight lop­sided win and re­main the lone un­beat­en team in the zone. In the pre­vi­ous round of match­es, Sun­day, Ali scored nine Fyz­abad An­gli­can.

Her team­mates Lat­ifha Pas­call and Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call were up for the goal-scor­ing ride and sent in a fan­tas­tic nine and six goals re­spec­tive­ly for the de­fend­ing South Zone cham­pi­on. Al­so adding to the vic­to­ry with mul­ti­ple goals as well were Ker­shell Allen with three and Tsai-Anne Fer­nan­dez with two. The oth­er items came from Kay­la Mal­lard and Tayeann Wylie, who each scored one. The pres­sured Moru­ga side was re­spon­si­ble for the oth­er goal gift­ing Pleas­antville with an own goal.

In the oth­er match in the zone, Fyz­abad An­gli­can whipped Point Fortin East, 7-1.

Up in the North Zone, it was no mys­tery who stood out for Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral's 5-2 vic­to­ry over Suc­cess Laven­tille as Se­cret Frances stepped to net four goals for the win­ner tak­ing full ad­van­tage of play­ing on its home field. Kari­ma Charles scored the oth­er for Diego.

For Suc­cess Laven­tille, Shadelle John com­plet­ed a dou­ble but in a los­ing ef­fort.

In oth­er match­es, leader Holy Name Con­vent de­feat­ed St Joseph Con­vent, 4-2 at Dibe grounds while Tran­quil­i­ty and Bish­op played to a 1-1 draw at Nel­son Man­dela Park in St Clair, Port-of-Spain.

In the East Zone, on­ly one match was played and it was be­tween Va­len­cia and El Do­ra­do East. The lat­ter went away with a 4-0 vic­to­ry in Va­len­cia. There was no play be­tween San Juan North and Man­zanil­la due to no ref­er­ees while the clash be­tween Five Rivers vs Bish­op East was resched­uled.

Across in To­ba­go, Ce­line Lo­raine and Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell each scored a pair of goals to pi­lot Sig­nal Hill to a 4-0 win over Scar­bor­ough at Black Rock recre­ation ground. Both Bish­op's High and Ma­son Hall were al­so suc­cess­ful on the day. Bish­op's edged Spey­side, 2-1 at Mt Pleas­ant ground and Ma­son Hall topped Good­wood, 4-2 at Ply­mouth recre­ation ground.

Sun­day's Re­sults


Pleas­antville 34 (Alex­cia Ali 11, Lat­ifha Pas­call 9, Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call 6, Ker­shell Allen 3, Tsai-Anne Fer­nan­dez 2, Kay­la Mal­lard, Tayeann Wylie, own goal) vs Moru­ga 0

Point Fortin East 1 vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can 7


Bish­op's High 2 (Dar­ri­anne Hen­ry 2) vs Spey­side 1 (Jeleisha Alexan­der). MVPs: Bish­op's Dar­ri­anne Hen­ry, Ab­brelle Baynes: Spey­side - Talia Mar­tin, An­isha Alexan­der

Sig­nal Hill 4 (Ce­line Lo­raine 2, Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell 2) vs Scar­bor­ough 0. MVPs: Sig­nal Hill - Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son; Scar­bor­ough - Nia Davis, Ayesha Lei­th

Ma­son 4 (Eliz­a­beth Ford 2, Ke­le­sia Grant, Tre­visia Shade) vs Good­wood 2 (Brit­ney Den­nis, Caris­sa Cow­an). MVPs: Ma­son Hall - Eliz­a­beth Ford, Ke­le­sia Grant; Good­wood - Di­a­mond Arthur, Caris­sa Cow­an


Diego Mar­tin 5 (Se­cret Frances 4, Kari­ma Charles) vs Suc­cess 2 (Shadelle John 2)


Tran­quil­i­ty 1 vs Bish­op 1


Cha­ganas North 0 vs Mir­a­cle 6

Holy Faith Con­vent 3 vs Cara­pichaima East 3


Va­len­cia 0 vs El Do­ra­do East 4

To­mor­row's match­es (Start time 3 pm)


Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary vs Bish­op's High, Black Rock

Ma­son Hall vs Good­wood High, Ply­mouth

Spey­side High vs Sig­nal Hill, Spey­side


Holy Faith vs Cou­va Ch­agua­nas North, Cou­va East

Ch­agua­nas South vs­Cara­pichaima East, Ch­agua­nas South

Mir­a­cle Min­istries- bye


Pleas­antville vs Fyz­abad Sec­ondary Pleas­antville

Fyz­abad An­gli­can vs Moru­ga, Del­hi Rd. Rec.

Point Fortin East - bye


El Do­ra­do East vs Five Rivers, El Do­ra­do East

Bish­ops Anstey East vs San Juan North, Bish­op

Man­zanil­la vs Va­len­cia, Man­zanil­la Recre­ation


Bish­op Anstey High vs Suc­cess Laven­tille, Bish­op

Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral vs St Joseph Con­vent, Diego Mar­tin

Tran­quil­i­ty vs Holy Name Con­vent, Dibe Ground