
Fri, Jan


Analeisse Arneaud scored twice to help Holy Name Con­vent con­tin­ue its un­beat­en run in the North Zone in the Girls Cham­pi­onships of the Shell/First Cit­i­zen Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

Her ef­forts led Holy Name to a cool 5-0 vic­to­ry over hosts Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral on Sun­day evening to earn its sev­en straight wins for 21 points, nine ahead of its clos­est chal­lenger St Joseph Con­vent, which up­set Bish­op Anstey, 4-2 to re­place its op­po­nent in­to the sec­ond spot.

Join­ing Arneaud on the score­sheet were Ha­vana Ramdeen, Brit­tan­ny Ma­habir and Char­l­ize Hood, who each net­ted one for the leader. A win in its next match on Thurs­day against Bish­op Anstey will see them grab hold of the North ti­tle with two match­es in hand.

Mean­while in the oth­er match that evening, Tran­quil­li­ty Sec­ondary nabbed its first win of the sea­son, de­feat­ing Suc­cess Laven­tille, 10-2 with Daniel­la Carr whip­ping up an im­pres­sive scor­ing per­for­mance pro­duc­ing five goals in the win.

There were no sur­pris­es in the oth­er zones in­clud­ing East, South and To­ba­go as the re­spec­tive leader sealed easy wins. Cen­tral's top team Cara­pichaima was on a bye and sec­ond-place Mir­a­cle Min­istries hope to take over the top spot was put on hold by Holy Faith Con­vent Cou­va.

El Do­ra­do East top­pled San Juan North 5-1 to re­main in charge of the East Zone with 19 points from six wins and a draw. Sec­ond-place Five Rivers, which is three points be­hind, beat Va­len­cia, 4-1.

Mir­a­cle Min­istries will rue their missed chance to head the Cen­tral ta­ble af­ter be­ing held to a 1-1 draw with third-place Holy Faith. They are now tied on scores (13) with the leader but Cara­pichaima has a bet­ter goal-dif­fer­ence plus-41 com­pared to Mir­a­cle's plus-20.

In the South, leader Pleas­antville con­tin­ues its dom­i­nance in the zone with an­oth­er huge win, this time against Point Fortin East, 11-0. The lone un­beat­en team in the zone made it six on the trot.

Over in To­ba­go, leader Sig­nal Hill was test­ed by Bish­op's High but it was the for­mer seal­ing a nar­row 2-1 vic­to­ry at Mt Pleas­ant ground. Scor­ing for the win­ner were Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son and Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell.

Bish­op's, whose lone goal came off a penal­ty scored by Dar­i­anne Hen­ry, slipped to the third spot with 12 points and was re­placed by Spey­side High, which de­feat­ed Ma­son Hall, 4-0.

Play­ing at Ply­mouth, Jeleisha Alexan­der net­ted three goals and Tavia Skeete the oth­er for Spey­side.



Sig­nal Hill 2 (Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son, Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell) vs Bish­op's High 1 (Dar­i­anne Hen­ry penal­ty). MVPs: Sig­nal Hill - Tiah Crichlow, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son; Bish­op's - Akeila Wal­dron (goal-keep­er), Neshone Rus­sell.

Ma­son Hall 0 vs Spey­side 4 (Jeleisha Alexan­der 3, Tavia Skeete 1). MVPs: Spey­side - Jan­i­ca De­noon, Jeleisha Alexan­der, Ma­son Hall - Tre­visia Shade, Eliz­a­beth Ford.


Suc­cess Laven­tille 2 (M Dop­well, Shadelle John) vs Tran­quil­li­ty Sec­ondary 10 (Daniel­la Carr 5, Ni­tisha Jules 2, Gabriel­la Corn­wall, Re­ne­sha John­son, Takiya Hen­ry)

Bish­op Anstey 2 vs St Joseph 4

Holy Name 5 (Analeisse Arneaud 2, Ha­vana Ramdeen, Brit­tan­ny Ma­habir, Char­l­ize Hood) vs Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral 0


Pleas­antville 18 vs Point Fortin East 0


Bish­op East 1 vs Man­zanil­la 2

San Juan North 1 vs El Do­ra­do East 5

Five Rivers 4 vs Va­len­cia 1


Mir­a­cle Min­istries 1 vs Holy Faith 1

Ch­agua­nas North 4 vs Ch­agua­nas South 0