
Fri, Feb


Sha­nia Jor­dan net­ted the win­ner for Five Rivers Sec­ondary School to earn them the East Zone ti­tle in the Co­ca Co­la Girls' In­ter­col Com­pe­ti­tion in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

Jor­dan's 72nd minute item helped Five Rivers seal a 2-1 win against San Juan North Sec­ondary in the fi­nal played on Thurs­day af­ter­noon at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma.

Ear­li­er, cap­tain Kay­la Ba­boolal opened the scor­ing in the 20th minute for the East Zone Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion win­ner.

Five Rivers, coached by De­siree Sargeant seemed to be head­ing in at the half with the 1-0 lead un­til Kiara De Leon scored the equalis­er in the 40th, to send the teams at the half tied 1-1.

Play in the sec­ond half re­mained bal­anced be­tween the both teams as nei­ther could find the back of the net.

How­ev­er, 18 min­utes be­fore the end of reg­u­la­tion time, Jor­dan pro­duced the win­ning goal, help­ing Five Rivers pick up an­oth­er ti­tle this sea­son.

On Sat­ur­day, the Girls' cham­pi­on in To­ba­go will be crowned with the zon­al win­ner Sig­nal Hill tak­ing on Spey­side High. On Wednes­day, Sig­nal Hill won the Big Five crown af­ter a hard-fought 1-0 win over Pleas­antville.

The south­ern team is the South Zone League and on Sun­day emerged the South In­ter­col cham­pi­on with a 7-2 win over Fyz­abad.

On that same day, Cara­pichaima East claimed the Cen­tral In­ter­col ho­n­ours, beat­ing Mir­a­cle Min­istries 2-1 while in the North, Holy Name Con­vent copped the ti­tle af­ter down­ing Bish­op Anstey, 7-3.

Thurs­day's re­sult

Five Rivers 2 (Kay­la Ba­boolal 20th, Sha­nia Jor­dan 72nd) vs San Juan North 1 (Kiara De Leon 40th).

SOURCE: T&T Guardian