
Fri, Feb


Sha­nia Jor­don scored the lone item to book Five Rivers Sec­ondary School’s spot in the Co­ca Co­la Na­tion­al Girls In­ter­col semi­fi­nals in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League af­ter edg­ing Holy Name Con­vent Port-of-Spain, 1-0 on Sun­day.

Jor­don scored the win­ner for the East Zon­al and In­ter­col cham­pi­on in the 66th minute in the quar­ter­fi­nal match at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma.

Five Rivers’ man­ag­er Sylvester San­di­ford says the unit’s per­for­mance this sea­son has been great and that it’s do­ing a lot for the school

“None of this could have been done if we weren’t giv­en the sup­port by the prin­ci­pal and vice prin­ci­pal Mrs Nicole Ri­ley and Mrs Michelle Stoute Lopez. Two won­der­ful ladies who have sup­port­ed the foot­ball in Five Rivers strength-to-strength,” said San­di­ford, who added that the team is pro­vid­ing pos­i­tive en­er­gy.

On Sun­day, the East cham­pi­on will seek to ex­tend their sea­son when Five Rivers meet South Zone cham­pi­on Pleas­antville in the na­tion­al In­ter­col semi­fi­nal at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la from 3.30 pm.

“We’re just pray­ing Lu­ann (Craig) can play the next match. She got in­jured Thurs­day against San Juan. We’re tak­ing it one step at a time,” said San­di­ford, who added that the team has achieved the goals set by coach De­siree Sargeant, win­ning the four zon­al ti­tles (Un­der-15 League and Knock­out, Girls Cham­pi­onship East Zone and East In­ter­col).

On Mon­day, Sig­nal Hill was crowned the To­ba­go In­ter­col cham­pi­on for a fourth con­sec­u­tive time af­ter seal­ing a 5-0 win over Spey­side High at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um. Five dif­fer­ent play­ers were on tar­get for the win­ner in­clud­ing Ce­line Lo­raine, the lead­ing scor­er with 30 goals in the Girls Cham­pi­onships To­ba­go Zone of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens SS­FL, who scored the open­er in the 26th, Tiah Crichlow (46th), Aaliyah Al­varez (59th), Nao­mi Wal­drop (69th) and De­r­isha Bris­tol (73rd).

Sig­nal Hill will meet Cen­tral Zone In­ter­col win­ner Cara­pichaima East in the oth­er na­tion­al semi­fi­nal which al­so kicks off at 3.30 pm on Sun­day.

The fi­nal is card­ed for De­cem­ber 4 at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va.

Re­sults - Na­tion­al In­ter­col quar­ter­fi­nal

Holy Name (North) 0 vs Five Rivers (East) 1 (Sha­nia Jor­don 66th)

To­ba­go fi­nal

Sig­nal Hill 5 (Ce­line Lo­raine 26th, Tiah Crichlow 46th, Aaliyah Al­varez 59th, Nao­mi Wal­drop 69th, De­r­isha Bris­tol 73rd) vs Spey­side 0

Sun­day’s match­es - Na­tion­al semi­fi­nals

Sig­nal Hill (To­ba­go) vs Cara­pichaima (Cen­tral), To­ba­go, 3.30 pm

Pleas­antville (South) vs Five Rivers (East), Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la, 3.30 pm