
Fri, Feb


Five Rivers Sec­ondary School cap­tain Kay­la Ba­boolal and her team were un­fazed by the un­fa­mil­iar sur­round­ings and dom­i­nat­ed the Mal­ta Girls' Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion fi­nal in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League to emerge the na­tion­al cham­pi­on.

Ba­boolal was one of three play­ers who scored in Five Rivers, 3-0 vic­to­ry over host team Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um in To­ba­go on Thurs­day af­ter­noon.

Ba­boolal and team­mate Male­ka Morang scored first-half goals with the skip­per open­ing the scor­ing for the Five Rivers team coached by De­siree Sar­jeant in the 20th minute.

The Trinidad U-15 cham­pi­on Five Rivers con­tin­ued to push for an­oth­er goal and was re­ward­ed 18 min­utes thanks to Morang (18th) to put her team up 2-0. The score re­mained un­changed at half­time.

On the re­sump­tion, Five Rivers showed no signs of slow­ing down and three min­utes in­to the sec­ond half, got its third item from one of its pro­lif­ic scor­ers this sea­son, Sha­nia Jor­dan (48th).

To­ba­go cham­pi­on Sig­nal Hill had no re­ply for the vis­it­ing side and re­mained score­less in the fi­nale.

The win closed-off the most suc­cess­ful sea­son for Five Rivers U-15 unit, who had Mergil Ros­ales as its as­sis­tant coach and Sylvester San­di­ford, serv­ing as man­ag­er.

To­day, the semi­fi­nals of the Mal­ta Na­tion­al Boys U-14 Di­vi­sion will take place at St Mary's ground in St Clair, Port-of-Spain. In the open­ing match, East Mu­cu­rapo plays Trin­i­ty Col­lege East at 9.30 am and the St Bene­dict's Col­lege faces Bish­op's High, from 11 am.


Sig­nal Hill Sec 0 vs Five Rivers 3 (Kay­la Ba­boolal 20th, Male­ka Morang 38th, Sha­nia Jor­dan 48th)

SAT­UR­DAY'S MATCH­ES (At St Mary's ground)

Mal­ta Na­tion­al Boys U-14 Di­vi­sion Semi­fi­nals

East Mu­cu­rapo vs Trin­i­ty Col­lege East, 9.30 am

St Bene­dict's vs Bish­op's High, 11 am.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian