
Tue, Jul


VICE principal of Presentation College, San Fernando, Preston Kissoon revealed yesterday that the school’s football team will not play today’s remaining 10 minutes of the South Zone Coca Cola Intercol encounter against Shiva Boys Hindu School this afternoon, as stated by the Secondary Schools’ Football League (SSFL).

The game which took place on Monday at the Manny Ramjohn was abandoned after an irate supporter Godfrey Adams stormed the field and struck assistant referee Kevin Charles with a bottle in the head.

Speaking to Newsday yesterday, president of the Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL), Ewing Davis stated that Monday’s match will be officially resolved when both teams meet behind closed doors at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella, today. The teams will only be made to play the remaining 10 minutes.

However, the Presentation “Lions” vice-principal expressed concerns on this decision and openly stated that his school will be taking part in no such action. He went on to say that “Pres” will not even consider playing over the entire game behind closed doors because of lingering risk to his players and students and staff.

“We will not be playing any 10-minute match or even a rematch. We think that we have been treated unfairly. If we are to give in to this decision then every one of our players would be at risk. Security may be beefed up, but even if we do play, who is going to ensure our safety after the game” he questioned.

When asked what decision the Presentation administration would accept, Kissoon said “We want to be awarded with the win. If this doesn’t happen then we are not going to risk it. The school is in deep concern over our players and coaches’ safety. It is either we take the win or forfeit. We are willing to forfeit, but we’re not getting back on the field with Shiva Boys in any instance pertaining to this match.”

After 80 minutes in the match Presentation had led 2-1. The match though was marred by criticisms of the standard of the officiating. An appeal for a handled ball in the Presentation penalty area was said to have been ignored by the match and his assistant, that led to the entire incident. Adam, clearly upset by the assistant’s decision, rushed onto the field and smashed a beer bottle on Charles’ head.

Meanwhile former FIFA referee instructor Osmond Downer said while it is unfortunate what happened on Monday but caloled for the game to be replayed. “If a match is abandoned for whatever reason or purpose, the entire match must be replayed, unless competition (SSFL) rules state otherwise.

This is not the rules of football I am speaking about, this is the law of the game,” he explained. He added “FIFA regulations state that the match must be replayed. There is no such thing as playing simply 10 minutes, but as I said, it is up to what this particular competition’s rules states.”

In response to Presentation’s plight to have the win awarded to them, Downer admitted that a decision such as this could never happen since the game is still incomplete.

“Presentation cannot claim full points from this. This game is unfinished. How can you want a win when the match is not finished. If this is what they are standing on, they will have no other choice but to forfeit the match. This win cannot be awarded to ‘Pres’, in no way this can happen,” he concluded.

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