
Fri, Feb

Champs Pres whips Trinity to start defence.

Reign­ing na­tion­al cham­pi­on Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do got the de­fence of its ti­tle off to a pos­i­tive start be­hind a 3-1 win over Trin­i­ty Col­lege, Mo­ka in the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League match played at the Man­nie Ran­john Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la, yes­ter­day.

Win­ners of the new­ly for­mat­ted league last year to fol­low in the foot­steps of Na­pari­ma Col­lege and Shi­va Boys Hin­du Col­lege, the Shawn Coop­er-coached Pre­sen­ta­tion were joined on three points along­side San Juan North by Na­pari­ma, and St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary, both vic­to­ri­ous on the road.

Jor­dan Ri­ley set the tone of the game with an 18th minute goal which is team took in­to the dress­ing room at half-time. Six min­utes fol­low­ing the re­sump­tion his team­mate Om­ri Baird ex­tend­ed the lead to 2-0 and to en­sure the op­po­si­tion was out of it Sha­keem Julien net­ted in the 87th minute. How­ev­er, the vis­i­tors had the last say when Kei Phillip got his name on the score sheet with an in ju­ry time goal in the 92nd minute.

Fa­ti­ma Col­lege through an own goal by Ja­heim Aguil­liera al­lowed Bish­op's to earn a 2-2 draw in their Sec­ondary Schools foot­ball en­counter at at Mu­cu­rapo last evening.

Fa­ti­ma the home team dom­i­nat­ed the game and took the lead in the third minute through Zachary Welch. Alzarius ali then dou­bled the lead in the 49th. Af­ter that Bish­op's start­ed to fight and Ku­ran Roberts got them on the score sheet in the 54th minute. Eleven min­utes lat­er Bish­op's would cel­e­brate again as Aguil­liera found his own net as the teams had to share the spoils.

In oth­er match­es, QRC fought back well af­ter ini­tial­ly tak­ing the lead to al­so earn a 2-2 draw with East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary. QRC took the lead in as ear­ly as the 5th minute, be­fore Mu­cu­rapo skip­per Zion McLEad equalised in the 25th through a penal­ty. Mu­cu­rapo then took the lead thanks to an item by Sha­keem Wick­am in the 34th. At the half they en­joyed the lead be­fore QRC struck back in the 51st to lev­el the scores. Try as hard as they may both teams were un­able to break the dead­lock and the game end­ed 2-2.

Na­pari­ma Col­lege dom­i­nat­ed its clash against St. Mary's Col­lege at Ser­pen­tine Road de­spite throw­ing away many chances. Naps took the ear­ly lead through Seon Ship­ply and con­trolled the play for the most part there­after. How­ev­er, against the run of play, the host struck back, equal­is­ing just be­fore the half to share the half-time ho­n­ours. Up­on the re­sump­tion, Mark Ramdeen and Isa Bram­ble ex­tend­ed their ad­van­tage to se­cure all three points.

San Juan North Sec­ondary cur­rent­ly sit atop the 15-team ta­ble af­ter its open­ing day 3-0 de­feat of pro­mot­ed Va­len­cia Sec­ondary while Trin­i­ty Col­lege East and St Bene­dict’s drew goal­less in Thurs­day’s dou­ble-head­er at the Mar­vin Lee Sta­di­um, Ma­coya.

Yes­ter­day's Scores - Premier Division

Fa­ti­ma Col­lege 2 (Zachary Welch, Azrius Ali) vs Bish­op’s High School 2 (Ku­ran Robert, own goal -Jahiem Aguil­liera)

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege 3 (Jor­dan Ri­ley, Om­ri Baird, Sha­keem Julien) vs Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka 1 (Kei Phillip)

Q.R.C. 2 vs East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary 2 (Zion McLeod, Sha­keem Wick­am)

St. An­tho­ny’s Col­lege 2 vs St. Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary 4

St. Mary’s Col­lege 1 (Spicer) Na­pari­ma Col­lege 3 (Seon Ship­ply, Mark Ramdeen, Isa Bram­ble)

Boys’ Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion re­sults

North Zone

Tran­quil­li­ty Sec­ondary 2 vs Blan­chisseuse Sec­ondary 2

Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral 4 vs St Fran­cis Col­lege 1

East Zone

San­gre Grande Sec­ondary 2 vs Holy Cross Col­lege 2

Ari­ma North Sec­ondary 5 vs Mal­abar Sec­ondary 0

El Do­ra­do West 2 vs El Do­ra­do East 1

South Zone

Pleas­antville Sec­ondary 5 vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can Sec­ondary 0

Moru­ga Sec­ondary 4 vs Princes Town West Sec­ondary 0

To­ba­go Zone

Ma­son Hall 3 vs Pen­te­costal Light & Life 0

Spey­side High 2 vs Good­wood Sec­ondary 2

Cen­tral Zone

Gas­par­il­lo Sec­ondary 2 vs Cou­va East Sec­ondary 1

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege 4 vs Preysal Sec­ondary 2

Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary 6 vs Cunu­pia Sec­ondary 0


Pres Lions win SSFL opener.
By Andrew Gioannetti (Newsday).

PRESENTATION College San Fernando began their defence of the Secondary Schools Football League Premier Division yesterday with a 3-1 win over Trinity College Moka at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella.

The “Lions” made light work of their opponents with national junior beach soccer players Jordan Riley and Omri Baird scoring one goal each and Shakeem Julien sealing the result in the 87th minute.

Trinity East scored a consolation goal with Kai Phillip on target in the second minute of injury time.

The schools from South were well represented yesterday as a well-organised Naparima College sealed a 3-1 away win over St Mary’s College in St Clair.

Naps, led by former national midfielder Angus Eve, walked all over St Mary’s and could have won the match by five goals had luck not been with the “Saints”.

Eve’s team took a lead in the 20th minute through Seon Shippley before St Mary’s equalised ten minutes later with a brilliant effort from Tyrese Spricer.

Naps commanded the second half and got ahead again in the 53rd minute via an effort from Mark Ramdeen.

With 15 minutes left, Isa Bramble made it 3-1 Naps.

In other results, North Zone teams Queen’s Royal College and St Anthony’s shared the spoils in a 2-2 draw, the same result recorded in the match-up between Fatima College and Bishop’s High. Meanwhile, host team St Anthony’s College were mauled 4-2 by another possible title contender, St Augustine Secondary.

The league kicked off on Thursday with San Juan North Secondary recording a 3-0 win over Valencia Secondary and Trinity College East playing to a goalless draw with St Benedict’s College.