
Wed, Jul


Reign­ing cham­pi­on Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege got a sin­gle goal from Aleem Barkley to main­tain its win­ning streak in 1-0 win against St Mary's Col­lege (CIC) in round three ac­tion in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL), yes­ter­day.

En­ter­ing the match with an un­blem­ished record away at CIC ground on Ser­pen­tine Road, St Clair, the south­ern­ers left it un­til late be­fore Barkley found the nets in the 78th minute, which puts them on top the stand­ing on nine points from three wins in as many match­es.

Its clos­est ri­val, Na­pari­ma Col­lege, was much more con­vinc­ing at Guaracara Park, Point-A-Pierre, thrash­ing St Bene­dict's Col­lege 3-1 to move to sev­en points.

Af­ter a 1-1 tie in its last match, coach An­gus Eve's boys made sure of max­i­mum points this time around. They opened the scor­ing in the 37th minute from Mark Ramdeen for a 1-0 half-time ad­van­tage but failed to stop Jabari Jones from find­ing the equalis­er in the 71st minute.

Lat­er, how­ev­er, "Naps" as they are pop­u­lar­ly called, re­stored their ad­van­tage when Seon Ship­p­ley beat the Bene­dict's goal­keep­er in the 83rd minute. And on the stroke of reg­u­la­tion time, Isa Bram­ble drilled the nail in­to Bene­dict's cof­fin with his item.

At San Juan North School grounds, the home team came out from a bye in the last round of match­es to whip Bish­op's High School of To­ba­go 4-2 and main­tain its clean sheet so far.

Isa­iah Chase and Re­nal­do Boyce, who were among the goalscor­ers in a 3-0 win against Va­len­cia Sec­ondary at the Mar­vin Lee Sta­di­um a week ago, again found the net yes­ter­day, to add to oth­er items by Elair Brew­ster and Chris­t­ian Mitchell in the win­ning ef­fort.

At St Au­gus­tine, the home team got a sin­gle goal from Ke­sean St Rose in the 30th minute to turn back a bat­tling Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) 1-0 and take them to sev­en points from two wins and a tie.


‘Pres’ edge St Mary’s to remain top.
By Jelani Beckles (Newsday).

DEFENDING champions Presentation College, San Fernando remained perfect in the 2018 Premier Division Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) with victory in round three, yesterday.

Presentation are two points clear at the top of the standings, after edging St Mary’s College 1-0 at the latter’s school ground in St Clair. It was a competitive day of football, as five of the seven matches were decided by one goal.

Presentation’s southern rivals Naparima College are second on the standings, after a 3-1 win over fellow southerners St Benedict’s College at Guaracara Park in Pointe-a-Pierre. Mark Ramdeen gave Naps the lead in the 37th minute, before Jabari Jones equalised for St Benedict’s in the 71st minute. The match seemed to be heading for a draw, but late goals from Seon Shippley in the 83rd and Isa Bramble in the 90th gave Naparima the win to keep pressure on Presentation.

Valencia remained at the bottom of the standings after suffering a narrow 3-2 loss to Trinity College at the latter’s school ground in Moka. Ezekiel Desousa and Jardel Carter scored for Valencia, but goals from Kai Phillip, Mulik Duke and Menes Jahra gave Trinity the victory.

In other results, Carapichaima East Secondary got past East Mucurapo Secondary 3-2, Trinity College East edged Fatima College 1-0, San Juan North Secondary took care of Bishop’s High 4-2 and St Augustine Secondary are now third with a 1-0 win over Queen’s Royal College. St Anthony’s College were on a bye yesterday.

Round four will be played on Wednesday.

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