
Fri, Feb

Naparima College’s Decklan Marcelle(10) evades two La Romaine players during action in the South Zone, Secondary Schools Intercol quarterfinal match, at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium,Marabella, yesterday.

Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) yes­ter­day waltz in­to the se­mi-fi­nals of the Co­ca-Co­la In­ter­Col North Zone play-off with a con­vinc­ing 5-0 vic­to­ry over Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion cam­paign­ers Blan­chisseuse Sec­ondary at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo.

And in the South, Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion cham­pi­ons Na­pari­ma Col­lege got a sin­gle strike from Isa Bram­ble to get its cam­paign off to a pos­i­tive start against La Ro­maine Sec­ondary at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la.

QRC will now face old ri­vals St An­tho­ny's Col­lege for a place in the zon­al fi­nal next Mon­day at the same venue. The 'Tigers', rel­a­tive­ly tame dur­ing the just con­clud­ed Pre­mier Di­vi­sion League, roared loud­ly with a 1-0 tri­umph over strug­gling St Mary's Col­lege.

How­ev­er, the Roy­alians were the stars of the day, scor­ing four times in the space of 25 min­utes in the first half.

Their goals came from Dar­lon Gup­py, Dar­ius Dixon, Nathaniel James and Marc Robert­son, all com­ing in the open­ing pe­ri­od, while Jabari Mc Kell drilled the nail in­to the Blan­chisseuse cof­fin late in the sec­ond half.

Coach Nigel Groves­nor said he was sat­is­fied with the win but be­lieves his play­ers will have to strength­en them­selves men­tal­ly ahead of fu­ture match­es. "Our per­for­mances on the field, for the most part, were not matched by the re­sults, but in the lat­ter part of the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion, we saw an im­prove­ment in our goal-scor­ing, as well as our ur­gency dur­ing match­es which has giv­en us con­fi­dence go­ing in­to the In­ter­Col. The on­ly thing, how­ev­er, is that this tour­na­ment is en­tire­ly dif­fer­ent from the League and any num­ber can play on match-days." Groves­nor ex­plained.

"In this form of the game, it is about who clicks on the day. As it is now I think we have as good a chance as any­one else and on­ly time will tell how far we will go from here," the QRC coach said.

In an­oth­er game in the south zone yes­ter­day, Pleas­antville Sec­ondary edged Moru­ga Sec 2-1 in the sec­ond match in Mara­bel­la.


QRC 5 (Dar­lon Gup­py, Dar­ius Dixon, Nathaniel Jones, Marc Robert­son, Jabari Mc Kell) vs Blan­chisseuse 0

St An­tho­ny's 1 (Ian Cowie) vs St Mary’s College 0

Na­pari­ma 1 (Isa Bram­ble) vs La Ro­maine Sec 0

Pleas­antville Sec 2 (Sherwin Andrews, Turel Norton) vs Moru­ga Sec 1 (Antonio Molino)

Upcoming Fixtures

(Tuesday 13 November)

Speyside Secondary vs Roxborough Secondary, Quarterfinals C, 3pm, Goodwood;

Mason Hall Secondary vs Scarborough Secondary, Quarterfinals D, 3:30pm, River Bank, Mt George;

San Juan North vs Arima North Secondary, Quarterfinals B, 3pm, Larry Gomes Stadium;

Trinity College East vs Malabar Secondary, Quarterfinals E, 1:30pm, Larry Gomes;

(Wednesday 14 November)

East Mucurapo vs Malick Secondary, Quarterfinals G, 3:30pm, Hasely Crawford;

Trinity (Moka) vs Fatima College, Quarterfinals H, 5:30pm, Hasely Crawford;

St Benedict’s College vs Fyzabad Anglican, Quarterfinals E, 1:30pm, Mannie Ramjohn;

Presentation (San F’do) vs Pt Fortin East, Quarterfinals D, 3:30pm Mannie Ramjohn.