
Fri, Feb


Four dif­fer­ent play­ers scored goals that helped San Juan North Sec­ondary kick-off its In­ter­Col ti­tle quest to a pos­i­tive start when it de­feat­ed Ari­ma North Sec­ondary 6-0 in the quar­ter­fi­nal match-up of the Co­ca-Co­la Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Play-offs. The match was the sec­ond of a dou­ble­head­er at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma, yes­ter­day.

San Juan which fin­ished third in the SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion got dou­ble strikes from Re­nal­do Boyce and Ma­lik Far­ri­er.

Boyce goals came in the 30th and 76th min­utes, while Far­ri­er al­so made a mock­ery of the Ari­ma North de­fence with goals in the 34th and 69th min­utes.

Eli­jah Gar­cia 12th and Tyrell Cameron (32nd minute) were the oth­er scor­ers for San Juan on the day.

Ari­ma coach Travis Mul­raine said he will de­liv­er his res­ig­na­tion to the school soon due to the lack of sup­port from prin­ci­pal Vish­nu De­bie and the teach­ing staff.

Mul­raine was open­ly crit­i­cal of the re­luc­tance by cer­tain teach­ers in the school to sup­port the foot­ball team which par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion of the SS­FL. The team, un­for­tu­nate­ly, fin­ished bot­tom of the stand­ings in the zone for the use of il­le­gal play­ers.

The win earned San Juan an easy pas­sage through to the se­mi-fi­nal of the east In­ter­Col where they are set to face Pre­mier­ship ri­vals Trin­i­ty Col­lege East on Fri­day. The Arou­ca school (Trin­i­ty East) al­so pro­gressed from the quar­ter-fi­nals by beat­ing Mal­abar Sec­ondary 4-1 at the same venue.


Spey­side 4 (Jonathan Thomas 3, Ronal­do Samuel) vs Rox­bor­ough 0

Scar­bor­ough 4 (Ja­heim Har­ry) vs Ma­son Hall 2 (Omar Daniel, Jeo­van­ni Gar­diner)

San Juan North 6 (Eli­jah Gar­cia 12th, Re­nal­do Boyce 30th, 76th, Ma­lik Far­ri­er 34th, 69th, Tyrell Cameron 32nd) vs Ari­ma North 0

Trin­i­ty East 4 vs Mal­abar 1


East Mu­cu­rapo vs Mal­ick Sec, 3pm, Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo

Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka vs Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, 5pm, Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo

St Bene­dict's vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can, 1:30pm, Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la

Pre­sen­ta­tion vs Point Fortin, 3:30pm, Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la