
Fri, Jan


Pre­mier Di­vi­sion cam­paign­ers in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, East Mu­cu­rapo, St Bene­dict's Col­lege and Trin­i­ty Mo­ka all ad­vanced to the se­mi-fi­nals in their re­spec­tive Co­ca-Co­la Zon­al In­ter­col play-offs yes­ter­day.

South­ern­ers Pre­sen­ta­tion, af­ter fail­ing to make a suc­cess­ful de­fence of the Pre­mier­ Di­vi­sion ti­tle the team won in 2017, were con­vinc­ing 4-0 win­ners over Point Fortin East at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la. The team's pro­lif­ic goalscor­er Jor­dan Ri­ley was again on tar­get, net­ting twice in the vic­to­ry to take his tal­ly of goals to 12 so far this sea­son.

Ri­ley got the open­er in the 24th and added a sec­ond in the 68th. And with Point Fortin al­most with­out re­sis­tance in the match, Jer­rin Jack­ie and de­fend­er Justin Corn­wall added two more goals in the 73rd and 80th min­utes re­spec­tive­ly.

Pre­sen­ta­tion man­ag­er An­dre Ben­jamin said his team will at­tempt to give its best per­for­mance against a St Bene­dict's team that has been im­prov­ing with each match late­ly.

"With the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion ti­tle slip­ping out of our grasp, we could on­ly be­lieve that it was not God's will for us. From here on­wards we will take each game on its mer­it, start­ing with St Bene­dict's. We in­tend to give of our best and hope to get the re­sults," Ben­jamin said.

In the first game at the Mara­bel­la venue yes­ter­day, St Bene­dict's ham­mered Fyz­abad An­gli­can Sec­ondary 9-0, with Aaron Rod­ney lead­ing the way with a beaver-trick and Yahtham Hen­ry get­ting a brace. An­drez Tal­lan opened the scor­ing for the St Bene­dict's boys in the 4th minute.

How­ev­er, Rod­ney lat­er took cen­tre stage with goals in the 28th, 29th, 34th and 84th min­utes, while Hen­ry's con­tri­bu­tion came in the 49th and 54th. The oth­er goals came from Rhowen Stew­art-Williams in the 9th and Jabari Jones in the 78th.

Ravi Ram­goolam, Bene­dict's man­ag­er said he is pre­dict­ing a tough match against Pres in the semis, but they will en­ter with con­fi­dence.

"We fin­ished strong­ly in the pre­mier di­vi­sion and we are hop­ing to con­tin­ue to do bet­ter in the In­ter­Col. I know we lost 3-1 to Pre­sen­ta­tion dur­ing the sea­son but that was as a re­sult of sim­ple blun­ders in de­fence, which we are hop­ing to strength­en-up on next week," Ram­goolam ex­plained.

St Bene­dict's 9 (An­drez Tal­lan 4th, Rhowen Stew­art-Williams 9th, Aaron Rod­ney 28th, 29th, 34th, 84th, Yahtham Hen­ry 49th, 54th, Jabari Jones 78th) vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can Sec­ondary 0
East Mu­cu­rapo 7 vs Mal­ick Sec­ondary 0
Pre­sen­ta­tion 4 (Jor­dan Ri­ley 24th, 68th, Jer­rin Jack­ie 73rd, Justin Corn­wall 80th) vs Point Fortin 0
Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 4 vs Fa­ti­ma 1

Cara­pichaima vs Cou­va East, 5 pm, Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va
Pre­sen­ta­tion (Chag) vs Ch­agua­nas North, 3 pm, Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va

SOURCE: T&T Guardian