
Fri, Feb


The Ed­i­tor,

I have been a sup­port­er of Trinidad and To­ba­go foot­ball both as spec­ta­tor and play­er, my love for the game start­ed when games were played in front of the Grand Stand Queens Park Sa­van­nah un­der a stern ad­min­is­tra­tor Mr Er­ic James as Pres­i­dent.

Some of the teams that played in front of mas­sive crowds were Maple, Malvern, Colts and the three col­leges Q R C, St Marys and Fa­ti­ma. The teams that brought out the crowds were Maple, Malvern, Colts, Sham­rock and of course the col­leges es­pe­cial­ly the In­ter- Col fi­nals.

My main con­cern is the type of foot­ball be­ing played to­day in our Sec­ondary Schools, which ought to be the nurs­ery for our Na­tion­al Teams. The stan­dard is noth­ing more than poor or very poor. On the field of play, there is no struc­ture, just play­ers run­ning be­hind the ball ques­tions are asked who coach these teams.

I saw some shots of the St An­tho­ny Col­lege vs Tran­quil­i­ty Sec­ondary on T.V 6 where the for­mer won by 8-1. I be­ing a for­mer stu­dent and foot­ball play­er of Tran­quil I bowed my head in shame and took to the phone to give out my frus­tra­tion. Re­mem­ber­ing schools like Tran­quil­i­ty that pro­duced tal­ents like Franklin Ol­li­varie and Ul­ric Box­hill, or St Mary's which gave us Geff Gellineau and Rus­sel Techiera; QRC turned out Lin­coln Philip, Vic­tor Gamal­do and Rolph Clarke, while St Bene­dict's Col­lege field­ed the likes of Leroy De Leon, War­ren and Archibald and Fa­ti­ma starred with Ever­ard "Gal­ly" Cum­mings and Earl Fough, just to name a few.

What bogs the mind is the num­ber of youth Foot­ball Coach­ing Schools around the coun­try with no pos­i­tive re­sults. I asked, Why?

Athel­ston Clin­ton
For­mer play­er