
Fri, Feb


De­fend­ing cham­pi­on St An­tho­ny's Col­lege edged out Mal­ick Sec­ondary 4-3 on penal­ties af­ter a strike from Nick­ell Alexan­der had en­sured a 1-1 draw dur­ing reg­u­lar time in Fri­day's Co­ca Co­la In­ter­col North Zone semi­fi­nals at St Mary's Ground in St Clair, Port-of-Spain.

Kai Phillip gave the tigers the 1-0 lead in the 10th minute on­ly for Alexan­der to bring par­i­ty to the match ear­ly in the sec­ond half. Mal­ick had the per­fect start with a con­ver­sion and a won­der­ful save from cus­to­di­an Jay­don Tay­lor.

How­ev­er, the West­moor­ings Tigers" of St An­tho­ny's held their nerve and Mal­ick was waste­ful, re­sult­ing in Re­al Gill send­ing home the dag­ger that sealed St An­tho­ny's ti­tle de­fence with the 4-3 shoot-out win.

Si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly at Fa­ti­ma grounds, Cham­pi­onships Di­vi­sion-bound St Mary's Col­lege was on a mis­sion to cut down an­oth­er Pre­mier­ship team on its way down. How­ev­er, East Mu­cu­rapo had enough to hold off CIC, to claim a 6-5 win on penal­ty kicks af­ter the scores were tied at 1-1 at the end of reg­u­la­tion time as well.

The "Saints" were well on their way to ac­com­plish­ing this all thanks to Tyrique Hug­gins who 76th-minute goal had them mo­ments away from the ref­er­ee's fi­nal blast when dis­as­ter struck in the 92nd minute.

That cat­a­stro­phe for CIC was a sav­iour for East Mu­cu­rapo and his name was Ja­mali Alex­is forc­ing the game in­to a penal­ty shootout. This too went the dis­tance in­to sud­den death but when the dust was cleared, it was East Mu­cu­rapo left stand­ing with the 6-5 win.

Fri­day's Re­sults

East Mu­cu­rapo 1 (Ja­mali Alex­is 92nd) vs St Mary’s (Tyrique Hug­gins 76th). East Mu­cu­rapo won 6-5 on penal­ty kicks

St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege 1 (Kai Phillip 10th) vs Mal­ick 1 (Nick­ell Alexan­der). St An­tho­ny’s won 4-3 on penal­ty kicks