
Fri, Feb


Dear Ed­i­tor

Mr Clin­ton (a for­mer play­er from Ari­ma), how in this world can you watch some shots on TV 6 be­tween St An­tho­ny's Col­lege and Tran­quil­li­ty Sec­ondary School and make such a state­ment.

The sto­ry head­line sure­ly sug­gests that you are speak­ing in gen­er­al. You need to move from in front of your TV and watch some pre­mier­ship games.

The most ex­cit­ing, and en­ter­tain­ing foot­ball in Trinidad and To­ba­go right now comes from the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League. Mr Clin­ton, Year af­ter year the crowds turn out to watch these play­ers and games, one or two lazy ones will watch TV 6 sports and judge, and make dis­re­spect­ful com­ments.

These kids work hard on the foot­ball field two or three times a week, apart from that they have home­work, lessons, and still have to be in school ear­ly the next morn­ing. The coach­es do not have the lux­u­ry of hav­ing them for two ses­sions a day or every day of the week. Coach­es al­so have to deal with who is miss­ing to­day from school and prac­tice be­cause of lessons or some pun­ish­ment is­sued by the school, which may al­so re­sult in stu­dents be­ing banned. The Sec­ondary School Foot­ball is alive and kick­ing. I in­vit­ed you to join the oth­er sup­port­ers on the side­lines to wit­ness the fi­nal few games left in the 2019 In­ter­Col tour­na­ment.

Nigel Grosvenor
SS­FL Coach