
Fri, Jan

Presentation College players and coaching staff celebrate their South Zone Coca Cola Intercol win over Naparima College at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella yesterday. Presentation won 4-3 on penalties after a 1-1 draw. ...Daniel K. Prentice/CA-images

It was sweet re­venge and sweet vic­to­ry yes­ter­day for Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, San Fer­nan­do, who af­ter three at­tempts this year, de­feat­ed ri­vals Na­pari­ma Col­lege 4-3 on penal­ties af­ter a 1-1 tie, to clinch the Co­ca Co­la South Zone In­ter­Col ti­tle at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la.

The re­sult al­so hand­ed Na­pari­ma their first de­feat in al­most two sea­sons of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL). Ac­k­eel Ja­cob, the man who was re­spon­si­ble for his team's equal­iz­ing goal in the 86th minute, was giv­en the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to ham­mer home the win­ner from a penal­ty shoot-out to spark wild cel­e­bra­tions among play­ers, school­mates, fans and coach­ing staff.

The south­ern champs, how­ev­er, were pegged back in the open­ing mo­ments as Na­pari­ma, the two-time SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion win­ners dom­i­nat­ed the match and cre­at­ed few chances that went un­con­vert­ed. In the 13th minute, Isa Bram­ble, the League's most gift­ed play­er, was put through down the right side from a neat build-up, but from an acute an­gle, Bram­ble pow­er­ful low dri­ve posed lit­tle trou­ble for goal­keep­er Isa­iah Williams.

Both teams went to the in­ter­val with the score goal­less, and when the match re­sumed, Naps took the ad­van­tage in the 52nd minute. From an­oth­er neat build-up from the left side, was quick­ly shift­ed to the oth­er side, cour­tesy Seon Ship­p­ley, who picked out Bram­ble dart­ing down the right side.

Bram­ble, with on­ly goal­keep­er Williams in front him, drilled the ball pow­er­ful­ly past him to the far post for a one-nil lead.

How­ev­er 'Pres' found their form, and for the first time, were able to string more than three pass­es to­geth­er, de­spite trail­ing. Their (Pres) best chance of an equal­iz­er came in the 57th when Ezekiel Kas­er drib­bled in­side from the right side, and with the goal at his mer­cy, he hit straight to Levi Fer­nan­dez in the Na­pari­ma goal­post.

How­ev­er, Naps could do noth­ing when Ja­cob stormed down the left flank and cen­tre for Jaiye Shep­pard to ri­fle his shot on to the out­stretched arm of de­fend­er Tyrike An­drews in the 85th minute, forc­ing the ref­er­ee to point to the penal­ty spot. And Jardel Sin­clair stepped up and fired his shot past the goal­keep­er a minute lat­er to send the match in­to a penal­ty shoot-out.

From the spot-kick, Na­pari­ma missed their first two at­tempts from Thaj Nep­tune and Kas­er, with Shep­pard hand­ing Pres a 1-0 lead af­ter four kicks. How­ev­er, with every oth­er kick­er scor­ing, Ja­cob, who got the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty with the fi­nal kick, struck it in­to the far left cor­ner to wrap up the vic­to­ry.