
Sun, Jul


The hard working Assistant Secretary in the Division of Education Youth Affairs and Sports, Jomo Pitt has initiated a plan to revive women football on the island.

Pitt is collaborating with the Tobago Football Association (TFA) under the presidency of Raymond (Finey) Alleyne to stage a League in Tobago this year combining the players from the various secondary schools who participate in the vibrant Tobago Secondary Schools Football League with the available seniors.

Tobago, once boasted a successful Women’s Football League and at its peak there were nine teams but for reasons unknown it all went downhill and today there are two clubs on the island, one basically including most of the secondary school players.

However, they both play in the Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Football League, but participating is a costly affair and at times they face a shortage of players for their games because of financial difficulties and other commitments by the players.

A League in Tobago is definitely the right direction to go, according to one of the coaches involve with women football on the island, but who wish to remain anonymous. He noted that the League will expose more players and cited the present Mason Hall Police Youth Club Women’s League that is presently in progress as an example.

Alleyne said that his executive appreciated Pitt’s initiative and are definitely on board as they will make every effort for the League to materialise this year.