
Sun, Jul


The Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Football League (WOLF) will launch its 2014 season on May 24.

However, up to press time the two Tobago teams which participated in the League last year, The Tobago Women Football team and the Tobago All Stars team could not confirm if they would be returning to the League this year.

Officials from both teams cited the exorbitant financial bill as the main reason for their uncertainty.

One of the officials said that because the League is Trinidad based, most of their games are played in Trinidad which entails sourcing funding for accommodation, meals and transport.

While the official noted that the Sports Division usually assist in the area of travelling to Trinidad, funding the other areas is usually a a challenge for most of the players as some are either unemployed or still in school.

The official added that while it is commended that the Assistant Secretary in the Division of Education Youth Affairs and Sports, Jomo Pitt is working in collaboration with the Tobago Football Association to revive women’s football on the island, playing in WOLF offers good exposure and competition for the players to fast forward their development.

He added that the development of the four players, Kennya Cordner, Candace Edwards, Kimika and Karyn Forbes was mostly because of playing in the Trinidad League and then through securing scholarships in the USA.