
Wed, Jun


UTT and Club Sando met at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium's Training Ground in Marabella yesterday in a Game Day Four fixture of the TT Women’s Football League (WoLF).

Club Sando and UTT shared possession in the first half of the game. However UTT had more chances in the first half while Club Sando had difficulty unlocking UTT’s back four. UTT defender Lorall Romain rarely let anyone past her all game long, pestering Club Sando’s attacking options and shutting down any potential plays.

UTT would open the scoring midway through the first half. Striker Zoe Swift received a well-delivered ball and placed it home with a left-footed strike.

However, in the second half, it was all Club Sando, as they dominated possession for most of the way and getting some key chances as well. Alexcia Ali followed up a solid first half with an even better second half, showing an extra burst of pace down the right flank.

The equaliser would come towards the final 15 minutes of the game. After some build up play on the right wing, Latifha Pascall would receive a pass a few yards outside the UTT penalty box. She rifled a shot and it would deflect off the crossbar again. This time, Aaliyah Pascall was at the right place at the right time, to secure the equaliser for Club Sando.

SOURCE: T&T Newsday