
Fri, Jan


For­mer na­tion­al girl's Un­der-17 and Un­der-20 women's foot­ball team cap­tain, Anique Walk­er fired in sev­en goals to in­spire Po­lice FC to a 21-0 drub­bing of Cen­tral FC in Round Four of the 2019 T&T Women’s League Foot­ball (WoLF) sea­son.

Play­ing at New Set­tle­ment Ground, Ch­agua­nas on Sat­ur­day, the trio of Sta­cy Paul, Maya Ma­touk and Isha Roberts al­so added hat-tricks for the ram­pant Law-women while Tama­ra John­son, Shenelle Pelchi­er, Sha­keema Fores­tine, na­tion­al de­fend­er Rhea Bel­grave and Nkenge Nedd chipped in with one each.

There were al­so lop­sided vic­to­ries for Trinci­ty Na­tion­als, Queen’s Park Crick­et Club and St Au­gus­tine FC.

Trinci­ty Na­tion­als ham­mered De­fence Force FC 7-1 at De­fence Force Head­quar­ters, Teteron, Ch­aguara­mas; Queen’s Park trashed Malvern 12-0 led by hat-tricks from Jes­si­ca Har­ri­g­an and Lily Stauble at Diego Mar­tin Recre­ation Ground; while St Au­gus­tine spanked its ju­nior team, St Au­gus­tine Ju­niors 5-0 led by a brace from na­tion­al strik­er, Aaliyah Prince at Ed­die Hart Ground, Tacarigua.

In the two oth­er match­es, Jew­els edged To­ba­go Chi­cas 1-0 cour­tesy a strike from De­r­isha Bris­tol in the sev­enth minute, while Club San­do and Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T bat­tled to a 1-1 draw


Trinci­ty Na­tion­als FC 7 (Maylee John­son 5', Asha James 13', 10', Kay­deen Jack 26', Ranelle Pas­call 51', M. Mejias 72', 83') vs De­fence Force FC 1 (C. Thomas 11')

QPCC Foot­ball FC 12 (Jes­si­ca Har­ri­g­an 4', 37', 43', Stephanie Woo Ling8', Lily Stauble 13', 14', 22', Olivia Jag­ger­nauth 19', Afiyah Corn­wall 40', 55', 70', Saman­tha C Kissoon 54') vs Malvern

Club San­do FC 1 (Aaliyah Pas­call 80') vs UTT 1 (Zoe Swift 7')

Jew­els FC 1 (De­r­isha Bris­tol 7') vs To­ba­go Chi­cas 0

Po­lice FC 21 (Sta­cy Paul 3, Tama­ra John­son 1, Shenelle Pelchi­er 1, Anique Walk­er 7, Sha­keema Fores­tine 1, Maya Ma­touk 3, Isha Roberts3, Rhea Bel­grave 1, Nkenge Nedd 1) vs Cen­tral FC 0

St Au­gus­tine 5 (Aaliyah Prince 11', 46', Chan­tal Wal­cott 24', Maria Frances Ser­rant 50', Shanelle Sum­mer Ar­joon 73') vs St Au­gus­tine Jr. 0

SOURCE: T&T Guardian