
Fri, Jun


St Clair Coaching School back from US

The Ralph Lundy Soccer Academy of the United States will tour Tobago from today until Sunday and play three matches against St Clair Coaching School (SCCS).

After matching the Americans in football, the St Clair footballers will show their guests around Tobago with a round-the-island tour on Sunday.

Both football organisations have had a long history of competition and coaching exchanges, with coaches Bertille St Clair and Anton Corneal of Trinidad conducting the elite players training at Ralph Lundy Academy camps on an annual basis.

Several Trinidad and Tobago footballers are also annually given the opportunity to showcase their talent for the College of Charleston men's football team coached by Ralph Lundy.

A St Clair Coaching School contingent of 30 players, coaches and chaperones recently returned home after participating in a soccer exchange programme in Wayne, New Jersey, USA from July 5-13.

The team of boys, ages 13-16 played a series of five matches against US varsity teams and the TSF Academy's elite Under-14, Under-15 and Under-16 boys teams.

Against highly-competitive varsity and academy squads, SCCS won one and drew two of the five matches.

The soccer exchange was a resounding success for St Clair Coaching School, who were named Team Tobago by their hosts.

While in New Jersey, the Tobago footballers were exposed to the TSF Academy's technical training and game preparation methods; the US/UK Soccer systems of play; and had several opportunities to play on artificial turf under different weather conditions.

Several of the Tobago U-16 footballers also received favourable reviews from the academy coaches and visiting college coaches.