
Fri, Jan

De Four plans aggressive football for qualifiers.

T&T's Women's coach Stephan De Four plans to be ag­gres­sive in at­tack and re­lent­less in the de­fence when the CON­CA­CAF Olympic Qual­i­fiers kicks off from Mon­day at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va.

How­ev­er, De Four, was not naive about the pos­si­ble chal­lenges he in­tends to face, telling re­porters at a press con­fer­ence on Fri­day that he wished he had more time to counter these hur­dles. He gave the as­sur­ance that he and his play­ers will work with­in the stip­u­la­tions but try and de­liv­er for the coun­try.

With just the top team ad­vanc­ing out of the group, the T&T team will be­gin their cam­paign against Aru­ba, in the fea­ture match Mon­day at 5 pm, a game that will fol­low an ear­li­er en­counter be­tween St Kitts/Nevis and the Do­mini­ca Re­pub­lic.

They will next take the field on Wednes­day at the same venue with a mouth-wa­ter­ing con­test against An­tigua/Bar­bu­da from 5 pm, while the Arubans and the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic team will clash at 2:30 pm in the first match.

De Four, who was flanked by his cap­tain Karyn Forbes, called on the pub­lic to not be too judge­men­tal as it is a young team which, he be­lieves, has the po­ten­tial to be on par with one the best T&T teams in the past.

"I see this group as be­ing the next top group like Maylee and 'Yaya' and them. I see this group hav­ing these tal­ents. Go­ing for­ward is where the de­vel­op­ment as­pects be­gin. We're look­ing to build for the next three years for the World Cup for the se­nior team," De Four ex­plained.

Ac­cord­ing to De Four, they will re­spect their op­po­nents, but not be afraid of them.

Mean­while, Forbes told the me­dia she hopes to mo­ti­vate her play­ers so that they can get the job done.

Like her coach, Forbes be­lieves they did not have suf­fi­cient time to pre­pare for the tour­na­ment and said she hopes that her ag­gres­sive style of play, will help her play­ers to per­form sim­i­lar­ly, as it is the style of foot­ball they will be seek­ing to play in any way.

Final Squad.


1.Kimika Forbes (Millonarios FC, Colombia), 18.Tenesha Palmer (Police FC, T&T);


3.Amaya Ellis (Uni. of Illinois, USA, CB), 14.Karyn Forbes (CAPTAIN) (Fjaroabyggo, Iceland CB), 4.Maria-Frances Serra (St. Augustine Secondary, T&T, DF), 2.Meyah Romeo (Monroe College, USA, DF), 5.Liana Hinds (Sundsvall DFF, Sweden, RB), 6.Sydney Boisselle (York University, Canada, RB), 7.Khadisha Debesette (Club Sando, T&T, CB), 10.Janine Francois 1(QPCC, T&T, CB), 19.Tori Paul (Olympic High, USA, LB);


8.Asha James (Florida Int’l Uni., USA, M), 9.Nia Walcott (Uni. Maryland, USA, M), 11.Maya Matouk (Uni. Of Tampa, USA, F/M), 12.Jasandra Joseph (Trincity Nationals, T&T, M);


15.Afyiah Cornwall (QPCC, T&T, F),13 Shanelle Arjoon (West Texas A&M, USA, F/M), 16.Kayla Prince (Club Sando, T&T, F), 17.Aaliyah Prince (North Texas State, USA F/M), 20.Cayla Mc Farlane (Patdadores, USA, F).


MON­DAY (Sept 30)

St Kitts/Nevis vs the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic: 2:30 pm

Aru­ba vs T&T: 5pm


The Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic vs Aru­ba- 2:30 pm

T&T vs An­tigua /Bar­bu­da - 5pm

FRI­DAY (Oct 4)

An­tigua/Bar­bu­da vs the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic- 2:30 pm

Aru­ba vs St Kitts/Nevis- 5 pm

SUN­DAY (Oct 6)

An­tigua/Bar­bu­da vs Aru­ba- 2:30pm

T&T vs St Kitts/Nevis- 5 pm

TUES­DAY (Oct 8)

St Kitts/Nevis vs An­tigua/Bar­bu­da- 2:30 pm

T&T vs the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic - 5 pm