
Fri, Jan

Photo: Trinidad and Tobago goal scorer Nia Walcott (centre) is congratulated by teammates during Olympic qualifying action against Aruba in Couva on 30 September 2019.

Trinidad and To­ba­go skip­per Karyn Forbes and her team­mates got off to a dream start in their 2020 Olympic Games quest with a 3-0 win over Aru­ba in the open­ing CON­CA­CAF qual­i­fi­er at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va.

How­ev­er, af­ter Nia Wal­cott gave them the per­fect start with a goal af­ter just two min­utes, coach Stephan De Four and the home fans had to wait for over an hour to cel­e­brate an­oth­er goal.

Sub­sti­tute Afiyah Wal­cott fi­nal­ly gave them an­oth­er rea­son to cel­e­brate in the 73rd minute as T&T went up 2-0 be­fore Ja­nine Fran­cois sealed the item on the stroke of full time.

In the open­ing game, the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic and St Kitts and Nevis played to a goal­less draw.

FINAL: Aruba Women 0-3 Trinidad and Tobago. Goals scored by Nia Walcott (2'), Afiyah Cornwall (73'), and Janine Francois (91').


T&T XI: Kimi­ka Forbes, Karyn Forbes (cap­tain), Meyah Romeo, Maria-Frances Ser­rant, Liana Hinds, Kadisha Debe­sette, Nia Wal­cott, Ja­nine Fran­cois, Sum­mer Ar­joon, Den­necia Prince, Tori Paul.

ARU­BA XI: Leticha Loop­stok, Sha­gi­ra Robert, Rox­anne Hen­riquez, Jo­rainne West­er-Maduro, Michelle Wer­le­man, Jo­han­na Ruite­beek, Ar­lene Hen­riquez, In­ga Fradl, Za­hi­ra Van Der Linde, Nicole Sal­adin, As­tari­ah Tromp.