
Tue, Jun

New SFA president Dennis Latiff, third from left, is flanked by members of his executive Joseph Rooplal, from left, Public Relations Officer, Aldwyn Ferguson Jr, VP, Michael Maurice, General Secretary - Administration, Clayton Williams, Secretary - Operations and Dwight De Leon, newly appointed general secretary. ...Keith Clement

Businessman Denis Latiff is the new president of the Southern Football Association (SFA).

At Thursday night’s Annual General Election (AGM) Election at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, the man credited for the formation and execution of the Tiger Tanks Under-20 League defeated Brian Jordan 24-17 in the election for the position of president.

Jordan is another businessman from the southland who has invested his existence in the development of youth football. However, this time he had to settle for second place with Latiff’s promise of overall development, particularly at the youth level through his desire to include voting powers to football academies in the south football constitution, seemingly amongst the promises that the club voted for.

It is understood that Dwight De Leon was Latiff’s first appointment as general secretary.

Latiff in his manifesto also laid out a list of what he will pursue if he is elected the SFA leader.

They include: 1- Providing direction and assistance in helping clubs to become self-sustainable, and self-efficient, to be properly prepared to play in high-quality competitions; 2- Continuous improvement with clubs which includes interaction via regular meetings; 3- Continued assistance in providing local and international coaching assistance, to assist the development of clubs coaches, bringing together, a higher quality of players and performances; 4- Establishment of a proper office where clubs can have open communication amongst themselves and the association; 5- Creation of a dynamic SFA leading by example, by providing continue club and players development where scholarships and possible international contracts can be given; 6- Introduction of a proper club and players’ database, where information can be given at the press of a button; 7- The development of an SFA website and a virtual office for Clubs to interact with the management and transact daily football business in almost real-time; 8- All prizes (monetary) and otherwise will be given out at an end of season prize giving function; 9- Relook the Constitution to include the Academies as a voting power also; 10- Find and assist the ‘lost’ clubs/teams to revitalise and get back into the system; and 11- To assist teams to grow into clubs and to sustain themselves in their communities.

Latiff’s entire slate received the nod of approval to manage the affairs of southern football, with first vice president Aldwyn Ferguson beating Kerwin Weston 26-15; Eddison Dean, the man behind the successes of Club Sando FC in the T&T Premier Football League, getting the better of Jefferson George by the same margin 26-15, while Clayton Williams (secretary of operations), Michael Maurice (secretary of Administration) and Joseph Rooplal (public relations officer) prevailing over Jaggernath Goolcharan, Anita Sennon and Andy Smith respectively.

Attempts to reach Latiff for comments proved futile as he was on a business trip to the United States.



Denis Latiff - 24

Brian Jordan - 17


Aldwyn Ferguson - 26

Kerwin Weston- 15

SFA 2nd Vice President

Eddison Dean - 26

Jefferson George - 15

Vision Initiative For Football

1. 30 Clayton Williams

2. 26 Michael Maurice

3. 28 Joseph Rooplal

4. 26 Dwight De Leon


5. 12. Jaggernath Goolcharan

6. 13. Anita Sennon

7. 12. Andy Smith

8 13 R. Baker


Latiff is new SFA boss.
By Ian Prescott (T&T Express).

Ready to work

“I won’t let you down,” was the assurance given by San Fernando businessman Denis Latiff, after being installed as new president of the Southern Football Association (SFA).

Thursday night’s SFA AGM, held at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, saw Latiff defeat Point Fortin businessman Brian K. Jordan in a keenly-contested race for the post of president, which was relinquished by Richard Quan Chan, having served the maximum two terms.

Latiff has been given a mandate to serve for the next four years. The SFA election lived up to the heavyweight clash it was billed as, with 41 delegates voting. Latiff won 24-17 and was overwhelmed by the huge turnou