
Wed, Jul

SPORT MINISTER Roger Boynes has written Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) special adviser Jack Warner raising concerns about the prices of tickets for the farewell match between Trinidad and Tobago's World Cup-bound "Soca Warriors" and Peru on May 10 at the Hasely Crawford Stadium.

The Minister is concerned that prices of $300 (uncovered stand) and $500 (covered stand) are exorbitant and will put the match out of the reach of ordinary folk in society.

The international friendly is the first home game the Soca Warriors have played since their historic qualification on November 16, 2005 for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals in Germany and the last time they will be playing at home before their first World Cup match on June 10 against Sweden.

Boynes was responding to a letter from the Jack Warner-chaired TT Germany 2006 Limited which was sent to the Ministry of Sport informing of the proposed prices.

The letter, dated March 29, had the names of Denise "Sally" Geyette, administrative executive, TT Germany 2006, and Jack Warner attached to it.

In the letter, Boynes was asked to pay $500 for his own ticket and similar amounts for Ministry staff.

The letter to Boynes states: "As one of our specially-invited guests for all matches during our qualifying campaign, I am asking that for this match, you purchase your ticket and any other ticket you need for the covered stand at the cost of $500 each. We believe that there could be no higher show of support. You are therefore specially invited to do so since tickets will be available to the public by random draw only, using a text messaging service.

"The Soca Warriors have managed to qualify without any support from the Government. But it has not been financially easy to do so. It is our sincere belief by purchasing your tickets, you will be showing your support for the team, but you will also be demonstrating your commitment to the continued development of local football," the letter continued.

In response, the Minister has raised concerns that the cost of the match was covered within a budget submitted to the Government by the T&T Football Federation and would have already been subsidised.

And Boynes has pointed this out to Warner.

"My understanding is that the cost of the farewell match was catered for in the Soca Warriors' budget, which was submitted by the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation to the Ministry and approved by Cabinet. It is instructive to note that in the budgetary submission, it was indicated that a sum of $2,399,565 will be derived from ticket sales and $100,000 from broadcast rights.

"However, based on sale prices of $300 for uncovered seats and $500 for covered areas, respectively, revenue in the approximate sum of $8 million will be realised," Boynes stated in his letter.

"In the interest of affordability and to ensure that persons from all stratas of our society have an opportunity to see their beloved heroes, the Soca Warriors, in action, I would very respectfully ask that the price per ticket for both stands be reviewed downwards," Boynes declared.

The Sport Minister also reminded Warner that after contributing an initial $1.6 million, Government had pumped a further $6 million towards the qualifying campaign of the Soca Warriors.

Boynes also stated that his own efforts were able to raise sums of $1 million from Petrotrin; $500,000 from the National Gas Company; $250,000 from British Gas; $150,000 from Bhp Billiton; and an eventual $10 million pledge from Carib.

Warner was also reminded of Government's $45 million pledge of assistance towards the team.

"As you are aware, sir, the Government recently approved a budget for the Soca Warriors that includes waivers of customs duties and value added tax, bonuses to the players; bonuses to the technical staff and salaries for the coaches and technical staff in the sum of approximately $45 million.

"Further, I have sourced corporate citizens of Trinidad and Tobago to commit to over $3 million towards this budget. I sincerely hope you will be guided by this information which reflects a sterling commitment on the part of the Government and people of Trinidad and Tobago to support the Soca Warriors in their historic quest for further fame and glory in Germany 2006."

Contacted yesterday, T&TFF president Oliver camps said he had not seen Boynes' letter and could not offer a comment as to whether ticket prices will be reduced.