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Fifa says that T&T stands to gain some US$10 million from staging the event while the numerous benefits which can be generated—particularly among the young girls in the country—cannot be measured in money.


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Day 4: March 31, 2008

Today was a "recovery" day for us. We were able to sleep in half an hour longer as breakfast wasn't until 8:00am. After breakfast we had a team meeting in a conference room in the hotel. We discussed our upcoming game and our opponent. Canada is known for being strong, physical and tough in the air so we talked about our approach to the game and how we could use our strengths to our advantage. The meeting lasted an hour and fifteen minutes and it helped us realize what we needed to do as a team to upset this Canadian team we were preparing to play in two days. After the meeting we were taken to the stadium and allowed 45 minutes on the field to practice, but we had to wear tennis shoes as they did not want us tearing up the field. Compared to the dirt fields we have been practicing on, the stadium field was golden. It has nice grass and the stadium itself is just a great sight. We can't wait to see how many people will be in the stands on Wednesday.

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Day 9: April 5, 2008

Everybody seemed to be OK this morning at breakfast after last night's unfortunate tie.  After breakfast we had a team meeting to talk about what would happen now that we tied Costa Rica.  Although we knew that game should've been a win in our favor, we could now only hope that Canada would beat Costa Rica by more than 6 goals.  If Canada beat Costa Rica by exactly 6, our fate would be left up to the flip of a coin. With all these outcomes running through our heads we still had to wait a whole day for the game would not be played until Sunday.
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Maria and Marissa Mohammed have agreed to share their experience with the Trinidad & Tobago national women's team as they attempt to qualify for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. They will provide regular reports from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

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Day 8: April 4, 2008

It was Game Day #2! Preparation for today's game went much like the first one. We woke up and had breakfast as a team at 8am. After breakfast we had a light jog/stretch to warm our muscles up and keep them loose. We knew this was a very important game so everyone did what they had to do personally to get pumped during the free time before lunch. On a not so good note, Rissa woke up not feeling so well. We had our trainer give her some medicine and hoped that some rest before the game would help! Before we left for the field, we had our pregame meeting in the hotel to discuss some quick points. I could tell the anticipation of this game was getting to all of us. We were ready for a better outcome. As like the other game, we had to wait in the locker rooms before we could warm up on the field. Walking out onto that field is an amazing feeling. I don't have enough words to describe it but it's just one of those moments you can never forget!
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Trinidad and Tobago’s senior women footballers failed in their bid to advance to the semi finals of the CONCACAF Women’s Gold Cup as they went down 3-0 to Mexico in its quarter final encounter at the Tropical Park in Miami on Sunday evening.

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Day 6: April 2, 2008

It's game day. Today we play Canada and nervousness/excitement fills within us all. Breakfast was at 8am and afterwards we had a jog/stretch to loosen up our muscles. Even with being nervous, the team seemed in good spirits and up for the challenge ahead of us. We had some time after stretching and before lunch to relax. Today also turned out to be one of our teammate's (Darcel) birthday. The hotel made her a cake and we all sang happy birthday to her at the end of lunch. After lunch we got our things ready for the game and had a meeting in the conference room. Coach Jamal gave the starting positions and reminded us of key points for the game. We would go into this game with full confidence that we could give this Canadian team a run for their money. Our key to this game would be our speed. We all knew that the Canadians could not keep up with our speedy players. The bus ride to the stadium was festive with Trini music playing over the loud speakers. Just listening to Maximus Dan's "Soca Warriors" got me pumped and I could feel the pride fueling within my body.

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